chapter 4

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"Finney Blake" he said, in my opinion he was cool and it seemed like he would be a pretty good boyfriend for Robin and he seemed nice. So i looked at Robin and he was smiling so I figured he was happy were getting along.


My jealousy about Vance went away, he seemed like a nice guy, and Robin was smiling so I smiled too. I realized that I was gonna be late for my class, "shit I'm gonna be late for my class" I say, I go up to Robin and hug him and whisper "bye love" then wave to Vance and smile. I then start walking to my next class math. I sat down in my seat next to the window and stared outside, I already missed Robin and my math teacher being loud wasn't helping. There were also loud as hell students talking and the teacher kept telling them to stop talking but didn't listen, I sighed knowing that this would be torture so I just put my head down and went to sleep.


It's after school and I haven't seen Finney anywhere, I know for in fact that I didn't see him go home so I'm walking up and down the halls and looking in classrooms, I really hope he isn't somewhere hurt but then I remember his last class was math and run there. I see Finn with his head in his arms sleeping soundly, I was so relieved that he was ok. I kneel down next to him and put my hand on his head, "Finn wake up" I say in a soft voice, I get his hair away from his face and he turns his head the other way and I start playing with his hair.


I feel someone playing with my hair and I blink my eyes awake, I'm still half asleep but I turn my head to see who is playing with my hair "Robin?" I ask in a groggy voice Robin smiled "yes?" he asked. "What happened to the rest of the class?" I asked while looking around the room, "it's the end of the day, nobody woke you up" Robin told me. I thought it was just the end of class but all of my classes?! I guess Robin saw me surprised and still tired "you okay?" He asked me, I smiled and said yes, then I wondered where Vance was since he wasn't with Robin "hey where's Vance?" I ask as I sit next to Robin laying my head on his chest.


It's after school and I see Robin looking around for someone who I assume is Finney since he's not with him, I start to go up to him and I'm about to say hey but he's turned around and he ran back into the school and I just stood there figuring out what the hell just happened and ran after him. I saw him looking up and down the halls looking very worried so I just followed him but he suddenly stopped and started running again. I felt like asking why but I wanted to see where he was going. He finally stops at a math room and I see him take a sigh of relief and walk into the room. When he goes into the room, I look into the room and see Finney asleep and Robin trying to wake him, then I hear Finney asking where I am, so I just walked into the room and see them sitting on the floor turned around away form the door. But I guess Finney heard me because he immediately turned around saying he heard something so I just waved to him and he waved back, Robin turned around to see who Finney was staring at. "Oh hey Vance" Robin said looking at me "hey" I said back.


I hear a footstep and immediately turn around to see who it is while also alerting Robin, I see Vance standing in the doorway so I waved at him and Robin and Vance said hi to each other.

We're in front of the school and Robin asks "do you guys want to come over?" "Hell no man, I do not want to watch you guys be lovey dovey" Vance said "sure" I responded to Robin's question. Vance starts walking off to his house waving at us so we wave back and start heading to Robin's house.

(Also I swear there is gonna be more of Robin and Finney together but they just met so don't worry, another thing, I haven't slept in 5 days so my writing might go a little off)

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