Rabies 2 - Chapter 4

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They didn't manage to take three steps into the apartment when Beomgyu spoke up.

"I'll take a shower," he said and strode towards the bathroom, not waiting for an answer.

Beomgyu switched the facet on and watched water flow out of it in silence. He slowly took off his clothes and tiredly stepped into the shower, wrapping his arms around him when the hot stream engulfed his body. He leaned his forehead against the shower's wall and closed his eyes, letting out a heavy breath. Standing under the shower he could pretend it was only water rolling down his cheeks. Beomgyu hid his face in his hands and let out a sob, dismal and hurt. He slid against the wall and just sat under the hot streaks of water pouring onto his head without a break. He regretted water couldn't wash off the wounds in his heart and make them heal once and for all. He sighed, brushing his wet hair off his face, and stepped out of the shower with some heaviness still sitting on his shoulders. He put on one of Taehyun's t-shirts hanging on the drying rack and left the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his shoulders, drying his hair off. He lay on the bed and hid his face in the pillows, wanting nothing more than to sleep. When a knock on the door resounded in the distance, Beomgyu lifted his head and saw Taehyun, standing in the threshold with a mug in his hands. Taehyun silently crossed the room and put the mug on the night table, sitting on the bed next to him.

"Come, I'll help you," said Taehyun quietly, pulling Beomgyu up and drying his hair with the towel for him.

Beomgyu unconsciously avoided his stare, fixing his eyes on the covers. They spent a few minutes in silence until Taehyun put the towel away and tilted Beomgyu's head back, so their eyes could meet.

"I know from experience that bottling it up usually doesn't make you feel better."

Beomgyu's gaze dropped when he felt some lonely tears well up in his eyes.

"When I found out who my father was, it was a shock. I knew he was the leader, but... it just never occurred to me that he would have to do those things, too. I always thought he was just... a good man." A quiet sob escaped Beomgyu's lips when he looked up. "I can't even remember him, Taehyun. How can you miss someone you can't even remember?" Beomgyu cried, shutting his eyes tightly.

"Come here," whispered Taehyun, bringing him closer and Beomgyu complied, hiding his face in his shoulder and letting out quiet sobs from time to time.

"Don't believe her every word. Maybe it wasn't exactly like she said. She could lie just out of spite." Beomgyu told himself that, too, but somehow he had a feeling she wasn't lying after all. "She said that because he cannot defend himself anymore. You cannot ask him and that hurts the most, I know, but Beomgyu... I killed a wolf, too."

Beomgyu pushed himself up and looked into Taehyun's eyes, so open and vulnerable only when they were alone, hidden by the coat of night stretched over the city.

"You are a good alpha, Taehyun. The best I've met."

Taehyun huffed out a laugh, but there was no joy in his eyes.

"I'm glad you think so, but it doesn't change the fact that I did kill someone. I don't regret it, Beomgyu, because it was either him or me. Your father was the leader and... he probably did kill wolves, but it doesn't mean he enjoyed it. Maybe it was either him or them, too. I'm sure he always did everything he could to be with you."

Beomgyu felt his lips tremble when more tears poured down his face. Taehyun didn't try to convince him his father was innocent and Beomgyu was grateful for that because he didn't believe he was completely innocent, either. Beomgyu couldn't help the hope bubbling inside of him that maybe Taehyun guessed just right and it was exactly like he told Beomgyu it was. His mother couldn't love a wicked man, could she?

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