What just happened?

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.

Notes: Karen starts to experience unknown feelings after she tried to talk too Drew about what was going on with her.

It was five months later, when Drew and Karen had been home for a while together with each other and the most that they've done together was argue. Drew didn't know what it was with his wife but he was going to put a stop to it today seeing that they argued over senseless stuff...Stuff that they had no business arguing about. "Karen." Drew said as he called to his wife who was sitting on the couch watching TVœ blatantly ignoring him already having an attitude with him.

Usually, it would be him who would shut down and Karen would try to talk too him but now since, Karen was acting like him he didn't know what to do. So, he came across from behind her grabbing the remote control and turning it off. "Hey?!!" Karen lightly hollered at him. "I was watching that turning off my tv you so, irritatin'." Karen scolded him rolling her eyes as she messed with a strand of her hair. So, when that happened she tried to go get up to leave but Drew grabbed her by the arm not letting her go.

"Karen come on baby talk to me tell me what's wrong?" He asked her and Karen just dropped her head slowly shedding a fear tears. "Drew if I tell you, you're gonna get tired of hearing it." Karen said trying not to whine. "No, baby I promise I won't." He told her as she softly massaged her shoulders.

"Well I know you're busy all the time and before you tell me that this is what I signed up for because I know...But you haven't touched me in what seemed like forever." Karen said, "and I really miss my husband." Karen whined to him hoping that it would work on him to get him in the mood. But instead all it seemed to do was lead them into another argument as Drew started shaking his head no. "Look you're already disagreeing with me instead of hearing me out." Karen told him. "Karen I'm not disagreeing with you and we aren't going to get into another argument about this again. I already you told that the church is important. Because Jesus comes first in this relationship to keep us grounded. He's our foundation and our rock." Drew said as he started preaching to her. "So, I'm going to love the church as I love my wife. Now it may not seem like it to you but I do love you physically and a whole lot even if we don't have sex that often which I think is insane because we do have sex quite often." Drew said "considering our crazy work schedules."

"Drew we only have sex once every other five months and then when we do meet up to go too the same events and when we finally have our same hotel rooms we have to have quickies because you always have to go out for a meeting and you just never spend time with me anymore." Karen said as she started rambling off missing her husband but when she started rambling he stood up shaking his head some more while listening to what she was saying.

"Drew am I enough for you? I want to be enough for you but you barely even hug me now because you're always rushing to go too the church." Karen said as she started to get up from off the couch and started pouting. "Karen think about the church and when the church business get situated I'll make love to you all over our house." Drew promised her. "You always promise me that but you don't keep them and it's like my feelings don't even matter to you anymore. Am I ugly to you?" Karen started crying as tears fell from her eyes and Drew just looked at his wife shocked not knowing what to do. "Karen you know I love you sweetheart and you're far from ugly you know you're beautiful." He said pulling her in for a hug after he had wiped all of her tears away and she was still sniffling. "Hey, hey there there what's going on?" Drew asked her as she pulled her into a hug. "Did anyone say anything to you too make you upset?" He asked her as he sat her back down on the couch and Karen just shook her head no.

"Why'd you pick me?" Karen asked him as her tears were drying up but some were falling. "What do you mean why'd I picked you?" He asked her. "Why didn't you pick one of my sisters or some other girl who was prettier and had more experience?" Karen asked him and Drew was just shocked at her questions. "There's nothing special about me." Karen said in a hurt voice and Drew just had to stop. "Wait, wait, wait. Don't let the devil win." Drew said as he held his wife. "I picked you because you was everything that a man wanted for in a wife." Drew said.

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