The confrontation P1.

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.

Notes: Drew finds out about what happened.

TW: Arguing.

"What do you mean you're sorry?" Drew asked her highly confused about everything seeing his wife breaking down in tears as she stood in front of him not knowing how to tell him.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN WOMAN?!" He yelled at her again not being able to stand the suspense.

"It-It.." Karen stuttered nervous as hell about what his reaction was gonna be. "I-." Karen said unable to talk. "JUST SPIT IT OUT ALREADY!" Drew yelled at her and Karen started crying even more heavier and in between tears she broke down telling him as she slide on the door. "YOU DID WHAT WITH WHO?!" He yelled at her and then she told him the truth of it all.

"THAT FUCKING BASTARD!" Drew yelled into the atmosphere as he started fighting the air because he was so mad that it happened and Karen told him everything about the situation.

" Did you tell him to stop?!" Drew hollered at her as tears were coming down Karen's eyes as he wanted to know so, he can know how to go about this and Karen just frighteningly shook her head yes and immediately, Drew pounced up and bolted to their bedroom door about to leave his house to go too his parents house but Karen tried to block his way. "Drewww noo, I don't want you to go." Karen cried as she tried to stop her man from leaving grabbing his arms to push him away from the door. Because she knew one of them were about to go too jail today and it wasn't about to be Henry. If anything Henry was gonna go in the hospital.

"He forced you!" Drew yelled at her upset and angered by this "And you don't want me to go kill em'?" He yelled again but this time straining because he was about to pop a vain in his neck.

"Drew just calm down." Karen tried to tell him but that made him even more upset. "FUCK NO, I WASN'T THERE FOR MY WIFE AND THIS HAPPENS AND YOU WANT ME TO CALM DOWN?!" He screamed at her rubbing his hands over his face.

"KAREN WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?!" Drew hollered at her because he was so upset trying to calm himself down but nothing was working the only thing that was gonna calm his self down was him going over to his parents house to choke his own father out.

"Move, before I move you!" Drew hollered at her again as Karen was just standing in the door way. "No, Drew I WON'T LET YOU GO TO JAIL!" Karen yelled at him as she was still snot nose crying.

"WOMAN MOVE NEOWWW!" He yelled at her and Karen just started crying some more and then she screamed so, her sisters could come upstairs to stop him.

And the next thing they knew they heard their footsteps running up the steps.

"What the hell is going on?!" Dorinda said busting through their room door nearly breaking the lock that was on it as she had accidentally pushed, Karen out of the way when the door slammed open and when the sisters came into Karen's and Drew's bedroom all they saw was Karen in tears and Drew's face red as could be seeing his veins pop out of his neck letting them know that something had happened.

"Tell us what the fuck is going on?!" Dorinda asked them.

"Henry." Drew said no longer being able to call that man his father. "Henry?" Doe asked him confused as all out doors knowing that Drew never called his parents by their first name so, she didn't know what he had meant. "Karen what is Drew talking about?!" Dorinda asked her folding her arms "Because if you don't tell me and he don't tell me he's gonna get his ass beat because you screamed and he knows that when you scream we come runnin'!" Dorinda said as her arms were now on her hips looking at a tear-stained, Karen.

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