Chapter two

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Alex's Point of View

Beads of sweat were descending down my forehead while my lungs screamed with discontent as I inhaled the warm air. Annoyance with the uncomfortable stuffiness, encouraged me to drag my unwilling body out of bed and sauntered over to my window to threw it open and allow the frigid February air to freeze my skin. It helped me feel a little more human, after everything that happened yesterday with Miles coming home and telling me that he loved me just as much as I loved him; it had really thrown me off. Honestly, I had been feeling off for the last three years, but now things were starting to feel right again. Miles was back, mom and dad would hopefully butt out of my lacking social life and I could go back to not worrying every five minutes that I had just scared away one of the only people I love in this world.

The warmth of this realization spread through me, as I watched Miles move under the blankets, throwing his arm over my side of the bed. Some where deep in his unconscious mind he knew that my body should have been there, giving me the satisfaction of watching his brow furrow as he soon became restless. But my amusement only lasted long enough for me to realize that his dreams had morphed into a nightmare for His body was now twisting sharply as if bombs were going off around him.

"Miles," I knelt down on the bed and shook his shoulders, "Miles wake up."

"No!" Miles screamed, throwing me off the bed and pinning me to the ground, his fist raised to break my face. I whimpered as pain began to spread through my ribs where his knees rested on the bones, accompanied by my hands trying to block my eyes from his brutality, but he never made the hit. He must have come back to reality for he crawled off of me, whispering over and over again that he was sorry.

I had never seen my brother cry until that morning. I had to admit, it scared the crap out of me, but when I tried to help him he just pushed me away, saying something about needing a shower, and disappeared. I don't know how long I stayed on the ground, knelt in the corner that he had just previously been sobbing in, but I did get up. I forced myself to get dressed and go down stairs where mom and dad were eating breakfast and talking about me as if I wasn't in the room, but that was normal of them.

"Maybe now that Miles is back, Alex will get his friends back. It doesn't feel right going up there and seeing him all alone, without Ryan curled up the floor." Mom told dad as she poured herself another cup of coffee.

"Things will change."

"I just hope he hasn't scared her away too badly. She was my only hope at grandchildren." Mom mused, causing dad to choke on his toast. Awe, if only they knew Ryan was gay, I thought to my self, followed my a brief wave of depression. I hadn't talked to Ryan for a year now, though she still tried every now and then to mend out friendship, I knew she wouldn't take just a simple apology for me being such a self centered dick. If I was going to get her back with out her killing me first, I was going to have to go big, and that's when it hit me.

"Hey mom, I got to go!"

"But school doesn't start for another hour." Mom complained.

"Son, now that your brother is back the Chevy is his. At least until he gets a car for him self." Dad said, crushing my big plans with one line.

"I'll take you where you gotta go, kid." Miles promised, walking into the kitchen fully dressed with the same military stare he had yesterday.

"Fine," I tapped my foot impatiently by the front door as mom swooned over her beautiful boy and gushed about how he had to go see grandma, and Aunt Jennie, and Florence, and Georgia, and Hannah, and the other thousand residences in Lakewood, Organ, "Can we go now?"

"Yeah, Kid, come on." Miles gave mom a quick kiss on the cheek and grabbed the keys before following me to the truck, "Where to?"

"Hot Topic, on 17th and Tremp." I commanded, turning up the radio for the first time in two years, letting the voice of Billy Joe flood the cab.

Miles didn't say anything as we drove, and though I was tempted to ask about this mornings melt down, I didn't say anything either. I knew if he wanted to talk about it he would, so I focused on what I was doing in stead. Once we were in the store, I left Miles to find his own way in as I rushed to the back of the store in search of a familiar name.

"Can I help you?" A girl with bright pink hair and multiple piercing asked.

"Man, I hope so."

Miles dropped me off at the front of the school, after asking a million and one times if I wanted any help carrying all my shit. Again I turned him down and raced into the school, down the main hall, took a left, then another left, down a flight of stares, and finally made it to the weight where, as luck would have it, Ryan was. She and five other guys, all twice to three times my size were wrestling, throwing each other down on the thin mat with an ear busting thud. The tallest guy, with dark skin and a Jamaican ascent, threw Ryan against the wall but she twisted mid air so her feet would barely tap the brick before flying her backwards into his chest, landing them both on the ground, in tangled in their overly muscled limbs. My heart stopped for a second, scared that they had gotten hurt when they didn't make a move, but soon the small musky room was filled with their laughter.

"I'd say that's another point for girly," The guy closet to me, whom I recognized from my freshmen year when he and a group of his friends shoved me in a trash can and duck taped the lid shut so I couldn't get out, as Alex Marccoon.

"For now," The Jamaican teased, pulling her closer to him by the scruff of her neck, "Child," He teased.

"Dick," she replied curtly with a smile before looking up and seeing me, "What the hell are you doing here?" She snapped, quickly finding her feet and striding closer to me with a death glare.

"Wait," I help up my index finger before walking back out the door, hoping that only she would follow, but naturally, her little ass kicking gang a.k.a. top varsity wrestling team in the state, followed her out, only to stop and stare as I motioned toward the display of 'I'm and ass, and I'm sorry' gifts.

"What is this?" She asked in a low voice as she got down on her haunches to examined the five band tee's, two packs of monster, three bags of Doritos, giant stuffed gothic teddy bear, green army belt with bullet shells lineing it, and two tickets to MCR's concert next week that I know she would be dieing to see.

"My apology for the last two years," I explained, praying she wouldn't stand up and punch me in the face and rip me a new one for thinking I could win her back with gifts, but she didn't. She simply got up, and started me down for what felt like hours before giving me a hug. My heart skipped about thirty beats before I remembered that in order for this to work, I had to hug her back, so I wrapped my arms around her solid waist, where it felt natural to cling to her, emotions raising in me that made me feel uncomfortable and overwhelmed.

"You're a huge dick, you know that, right?" She asked with a genuine smile.

"Yeah, I caught that." I smiled back, glad to have her as my friend again.

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