Chapter Three

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Alex's Point of View

I stretched out across Ryan's giant bed while she paced around the room, picking up random objects, moving them across the room, just to go back a minute later and put it back in its place. It didn't take Sherlock Holms to see that she wasn't handling this news very well, probably because she had a brother herself, an identical twin, and he was her arch nemesis, so for her, the idea of a sibling being in love with the other was absolutely preposterous, but I had to tell her. She was my best friend and she knew everything about me up until our falling out and now, I just wanted us to be close again, to have someone else in this world who knew what was going on. After a minute she stopped pacing to stand in front of me at the foot of the bed, looking me dead in the eye as if she was dissecting me with her mind.

"Okay, explain." That was all she needed to say to get every detail of the last three years spilling out of me like a murderer on death row giving his final confession, and I mean it, I told her everything. Even some things I didn't realize I had felt or been keeping locked up, all in one breath, "and then this morning, I guess he had a bad dream or something so I tried to wake him up but he attacked me! Like he threw me on the ground and was going to beat the shit out of me, but I don't think he was seeing me. I don't think he had really woken up yet and thought he was fighting off something evil, and he had this crazy look in his eyes. I mean, I've never seen him look at anyone so brutally before." I confessed to her while my eyes watered at the memory.

"He's probably just going to need some time. I bet a lot happened over seas, and he's probably just now trying to deal. Maybe you should try to ask him about it?" She suggested, sitting cross legged in front of me, playing with my phone as it began to vibrate, "Here, it's him."


"Where the hell are you?" He growled, sounding furious.

"Um, I'm at Ryan's. Why, where are you?" I asked, just now remembering that I didn't call mama and tell her I wouldn't be coming home.

"At the school, where you were suppose to wait for me to pick you up."

"Whoops, sorry." I grimiest at Ryan, who was smiling like an idiot at my brother's anger.

"You will be. I'm on my way." He hung up.

"Well, he's coming to kill me."

"Kinky." Ryan teased as we made our way out of her house and on to her porch, "You know, If you ever need a place to escape, you're welcome to half my bed, as long as Liz doesn't find out." She offered.

"Thanks, I'll need it. Wait, who's Liz?" I asked as Miles/ My Chevy raced around the corner to come to a screeching halt in the drive way. It had barely stopped before Miles jumped out, only to stop dead in his tracks. He looked at the two of us confused before smiling and walking up slowly, though it was clear the smile was forced.

"Hello." He greeted Ryan dryly.

"Hey Miles, it's been a while."

"Who is Liz?" I repeated, smacking her bicep only to hurt myself.

"Lindsey Cole," Ryan replied with a scarlet blush, "You know, my height, blonde hair, head of the dance team." She finished with a proud smile that stretched from ear to ear.

"The school slut!" I exclaimed, sounding like every stereotypical teenager would do, earning a disapproving glare from Miles.

"What can I say, the ladies love me." She laughed, placing both hands on her hips and grinning wildly, "Anyways, I'll tell you all about it later. Love ya!" She said as she gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and hurried back in the house as Miles dragged me away.

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