Chapter 9

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Mark and Haechan found themselves in the same room, once again...

The alpha was carefully putting on his patent shoes that screamed "I'm a rich businessman". Not a scratch could be seen on them. The other was fixing his worn out backpack as he checked he didn't forget anything. What a weird picture, they looked so different from each other.

"You're leaving?" asked Mark.

Haechan only hummed in response.

"You're leaving too." the omega stated, looking at the luggage near Mark.

The alpha hummed as well. He got up and brushed his suit. A long sight escaped his mouth. Haechan could feel him staring but pretended not to notice. He knew Mark had something to say and waited for him to actually tell him, not just stand like an idiot.

The omega felt disappointed when the other moved closer to the front door opening it without a word. Did he just imagine things?

"I'll think about a statement." said the eldest before closing the front door.

Haechan smiled, he understood directly what Mark talked about. The President was ready to go against his policy to clarify the dating rumors. He didn't know what caused the businessman's sudden change of heart but he was more than happy to hear about it. It brightened a little this gloomy day.

He was startled when the front door opened a second time. However, Haechan's eyes met with a totally different person. It was Jina, the beta woman came to replace him. Since Haechan's arrival the beta came less and less to the house. Well, she deserved to rest after taking care of the Lee family for years.

"Hello Haechan! How are you?"

"I'm fine ma'am! What about you?"

"Oh stop lying, Mister Lee Soo-man told me you had to leave because of your heat. You must be tired right know..."

"It's okay, don't worry." reassured Heachan, fixing his backpack on his shoulders.

"If you say so, after Shotaro was born, I did some research about omegas and I might have imagined the heat cycle in an exaggerated way..." she replied.

The omega laughed. She wasn't wrong, he thought.

"I would like to give you this letter." the babysitter stated. "You can read it after I go but it is for Shotaro when he will be old enough to understand."

The beta woman took the letter from Haechan's hands with a curious look.

"I bade goodbye to Shotaro yesterday night. He didn't want to sleep to stay with me a little longer. I hope he will be fine, he might be a little tired today."

"Don't worry, I will take care of him for the time being." Jina answered smiling.

Haechan couldn't hold in a sigh. He felt so guilty. When Chenle, one of his friends, told him about this job he didn't think much about it. He didn't know he would care so much about the little omega he was looking after. The thought of not coming back made him sick. The dominant omega felt responsible for Shotaro.

At first he just needed money, that's why he desperately applied. Dying costs a lot in this society... As an orphan, he couldn't ask for anyone's help. Well, he had Renjun but he would never dare to ask him for money. His best friend had a dream to achieve and Haechan was rooting for him.

That's why, he carefully made a letter explaining his situation to Shotaro. He only hoped Jina could understand and give it to him when time comes.

"I have to go now. The first bus will be there in a few."

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