A bunch of idiots

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Sit sit sit they say,
As if nothing matters but this.
Quiet! They shout,
As if I were a baby, so loud.

Don't teach me how to act;
Act to be quiet, act to be good,
When in reality all I want
Is to feel understood.

A bunch of idiots, they shout!
A bunch of idiots we feel.

But are we really that dumb?
Has society become us?
Have we become society?

We don't feel the same
But hold together, still;
Nothing helps to overcome
The baddest people in our home.

A bunch of idiots, they shout!
A bunch of idiots, we feel.

They act like they do,
But do you really understand
What's behind our faces;
Behind our tears of hope
For a new life, a better one, a good one!

Do good people still exist?
We ask.
Are we the good people
Or do we harm the good ones?
We just want help;
I want to be understood.

The system has failed us,
And there's nothing we can change.
There will always be people
Hating and barking for fun
While we lay in our beds,
And ask ourselves what's wrong with this world.

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