The next day

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Nick wakes up, in the crib again. The woman comes back in.

"Good morning baby girl" she says again.

"For the last time I'm not a fucking baby or a fucking girl!" Nick screams.

"Hey, Missy, no swearing in this house!" The woman says sternly.

"What are you gonna do about it, bitch?" Nick shouts back.

The woman stays silent, and puts the pacifier back in Nick's mouth.

"Now, if you want to live you're gonna have to eat and drink right? Well here you go." the woman says as he hands Nick a bottle of warm milk, and removes the pacifier.

"I'm not gonna drink that!" Nick says.

"Suit yourself" the woman says, as she leaves Nick in the room with the bottle of milk.

Nick starts to feel thirsty and starts to drink the milk, it tastes good. He downs the whole bottle.

The woman comes back in "Done your milk, baby?"

"Yes mama" Nick says. He can't believe it, did he just call her mama?

"Good girl" the woman says. "Did you have an accident baby?".

Nick looks down, the diaper he was forced into wearing is stained yellow. He peed in it, he didn't even feel it.

"I'll get you changed soon, baby" the woman says.

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