Snapping back

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The woman comes back again, she lifts Nick out of the crib and carries him to the kitchen. She puts him into a high chair and starts to spoonfeed him baby food.

"Here comes the airplane" she says, Nick starts to giggle happily. He tries to not eat it but he can't help it, his body is going against what he wants. He swallows the baby food.

"More mommy" he says

"Good girl" she says

"I'm not a girl mommy" he says, giggling.

Nick snaps out of it, "Hey! Why are treating me like a baby, bitch?"

"Because you are one, Nica" she responds

"My name's not Nica, it's Nick!" he says

"Well then Nick, if you're actually a boy, where's your dick?" she says. She slides off the diaper she put on Nick, his dick is gone.

"Now, Nica, you're my baby girl. And you are going to act as such, understood?" she says, sternly.

"Yes" Nick says

"Say "yes, mommy", Nica"

"Yes mommy" Nick says, humiliated.

"Good girl, now do you want to go to the park?" she asks

"Yes!" Nick responds, all excited. He doesn't know why, but he really wants to go the park.

"That's not proper manners" she says.

"Yes please, mommy" Nick says, embarrassed.

"That's better, Nica." the woman says.

Nick, or Nica now, is put into a car seat in the car, as the woman drives him, I mean her, to the park.

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