Chapter 1 - White lie

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"Yes, Laura, I will when I'm finished I'll call you. What? I'm sure, I've got to help my mum out. Yes kiss, MWAH MWAH send Jenny my love bye!" I ended the call before rolling my eyes. Honestly Laura can be so damn nosy sometimes, but she means no harm, and I love her really. I pulled my phone out of my bag again to send mum a text:

Will be at Laura's until dinner be back by then. Tell Millie not to go in my room, tell Jace not to eat my coco pops, feed Lucy please and give Ryan a kiss. Love you, Riley x

I smiled at my little tiny white lie, I turned to watch Laura walk off the school compound. 

I was glad for a little time to myself, and besides I was experiencing that feeling again. You know, the intense desire - no - desperate craving, to have your hands lodged in thick dough, the smell of freshly baked treats wafting under your nose and your cheeks warmed with the heat of the oven. 

Yes the desire to cook. Luckily my love for crafting  the most delicate of foods, meant that I'd become exceedingly close with the school cook Gino. So close, that at his discretion I was allowed into the kitchens to bake to my hearts content. And that's where I was heading now. Ahh the thought had me so excited that not only was I practically running, but also not looking where I was going. Which is never a good idea...

My fast pace led me straight into the path of Willis. Okay when I say path, I mean body...And when I say led, I mean perhaps I crashed into him...hard.

"What the fuck Riley! Watch where you're fucking going! What can you really not see through those thick greasy bangs of yours or something, get a freakin' haircut then!" he snarled "Or better yet go to fucking spec-savers or something!"

"Isn't that off the advert?" I said without missing a beat, "'Should've gone to spec-savers'. Wow I didn't know that your brain is now only capable of learning lame adverts off by heart, gee is your disorder that bad?" I knew I was being a complete bitch, but it was like I couldn't help myself. I was on a roll.

Willis looked stunned, and in shock. He wasn't used to people standing up to him. 

Well if he thought he could walk over me too, he's got another thing coming.

"Sorry can't quite hear you?" I said cocking my head to the side, and cupping my ear with my hand. Nothing. I pushed past him walked quickly before he retaliated. 

My heat was pumping rapidly and my palms were clamming up, no one spoke to Willis like that. No one. And then - quite typically - I began to feel bad. I can't bring up his disorder like that. It's not his fault he has anger issues. 

Before guilt could creep further up my spine and cripple me, I pushed through heavy kitchen doors. And there he was. Sitting in all his fame and glory. I rushed up to him and scooped him up.

"Ugh, you've gotten heavy." I grunted struggling. He licked my face.

"I thought it was me that you loved." Gino walked in rosy cheeked with a warm smile,"but now I see that you've turned to the dog... they all do, in the end." he faked a sigh, in his thick Italian accent.

Oh did I say it was Gino that Ioved, well I meant Gino Junior! He is the most adorable sausage dog ever, all brown and glossy and loveable.

"Oh come off it Mr Ferarota. You know you're number one, well your cakes are anyway. Talking about food I'm starving."

"No no noo, you know that I'm Gino to you out of school hours! Well then lets's see what we've got here..." he shuffled through the side door. I smirked secretly...Works every time.

Sister or Mister? ~ON (SHORT) HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now