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"Happy Birthday Kayci, honey."

Park Jimin's mom greeted me with her arms wide open.
While Jihyun, Jimin's brother pop the confetti in his hand.
His father was there too.

The rooftop was decorated with small bulbs that gives off a firefly vibes.

There were chairs and tables that can occupy seven people.
Variety of Korean foods and drinks were there too.
And a special seaweed soup made by his mom.

"My mom prepared all of this for you Kayci."

Jimin tap my back sweetly.

I was overwhelmed.
I never felt being welcomed by the whole family like this.

"Thank you so much Mrs. Park, this is.. too much effort and.."

I cannot find the right and perfect words to show them how grateful I am.
I just hugged Jimin's mother so tight.

"Mom! that's enough. I am hungry."

Jimin screaming after he put the cake down the table.

I greeted his father too.
He literally looks like Jimin.
He was kind and smiley all the time.

"How was your stay in Busan? Did Jimin showed you around Kayci?"

Jimin's mom keeps on asking questions even while we are eating.
She keeps on serving food on my plate.

"Mom, let her eat first."

Jihyun butt in.

"Ahmn.. Yes Mrs. Park, Busan's sunset over the sea horizon is remarkable. It made me wants to stay here a bit longer."

I look into her eyes and smile so sweetly.

"Not because of Jimin hyung?"

I saw Jimin kicking Jihyun under the table.
He groaned in pain.
He signals to Jimin.


They exchanged silly glances then laugh.

"Ahmm.. because of him too."

I respond shyly.

"What is your profession? Are you working Kayci?"

Jimin's dad asked.
Everyone's eyes were on me.
That question stops me from eating my food.
I put down the spoon.
I smile awkwardly.

"Ahmm.. I was a registered nurse Mr. Park, and ahmm.."

Jimin put his hand gently on my leg to tell me that it is okay.
He can sense that I am not comfortable talking about it.

He knows I lose my nursing license.
But I never mentioned to him why.

"Was? You mean you are not capable of doing nursing job now? Why?"

Jihyun asks.
Jimin kick him again.

"I.. I was.. I killed someone."

Jimin's mom and dad put down their chopsticks and look at me confused.

"Ki.. Kill? You.. kill... who?"

Jihyun drag his chair away from me little bit.
I was sitting beside him and Jimin.
While his parents sitted on the other side facing us.

"You are joking right?"

Jimin laugh at me to brush off the awkwardness between us.
I bow my head.
I cannot look at his parent's eyes.

"It wasn't your fault, honey. I saw the news article published about you the time you visit Jimin's condo unit. Based on that encounter, I know you are innocent."

Jimin's mother speak up.

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