Chapter 2

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School was boring as hell, though to be fair. First period hadn't started yet. Not only that but Stiles barely got any sleep. Searching the web all night looking into things with red eyes.

At one point he thought he got hacked, or that his search was being watched, but after clearing his computer's browsing data and cookies he thought he was ok.

At four in the morning he started falling asleep in his chair and fell off. Hitting the floor with a loud thud. His door was open because his room didn't smell the best and he was trying to make his room less hot. Down the hall he heard his father say his name and winced slightly.

Hopping up and shutting down his computer, he jumped under the covers. A minute later his Dad appeared at the doorway. Stiles could see him in a mirror, looking around the room checking for what could've made the noise at four in the morning.

Though Stiles' heart was pounding he breathed deeply, hoping that it looked convincing enough. He saw and heard his Dad sigh, rub his face, and turn around to go back to his room. Stiles let out a sigh of relief. That was too close.

He didn't fall asleep for a long while, his mind combing through the data. Though most of it looked fake, he saw things about werewolves, aliens, vampires, or simply red lights. But none of that looked or sounded realistic in the slightest.

After getting about ten minutes of sleep his alarm went off and he begrudgingly got up for school. Which led to where he was now. First period, his head was already drooping, his eyes like lead. Slowly his head rested on his desk. The teacher wasn't there yet and neither was Scott, he could sleep for a minute.

He didn't even get that. Scott came over and started urgently tapping his shoulder. "What?" He whined out.

"Dude wake up, teachers coming."

That made Stiles' head shoot up for a maximum of 3 seconds before falling back to the desk.

"Stiles please tell me you weren't out in the woods all night?"

"I didn't...." He mumbled. "Just computer stuff."

He felt Scott's eye roll as Scott started tapping his shoulder. Stiles huffed angrily before sitting straight. Using his arm to keep him upright as the teacher walked in the room. Scott and Stiles didn't really pay attention on a good day, and it looked as though the class had the same reaction. But then the teacher, Mr. Curtis. Came in and instead of starting off class with an introduction he went right into it.

"As you all know, there indeed was a body found in the woods last night."

Stiles sighed heavily. "And I missed the whole thing."

No one but Scott heard Stiles, and he rolled his eyes one again. Then Mr. Curtis continued.

"And I am sure your eager little minds are coming up with various macabre scenarios as to what happened. But I am here to tell you that the police have a suspect in custody, which means you can give your undivided attention to the syllabus, which is on your desk outlining this semester."

Stiles rubbed his eyes as he looked over the paper in front of him. It looked like it'd be a pretty dull semester. Sometimes Stiles considered switching to harder courses so at least he had a challenge but then he'd leave his best friend to suffer alone, and he couldn't do that.

Stiles noticed movement from outside and saw a girl being greeted by the Vice Principal. He stared at her for a second, she didn't look familiar in the slightest. Then his eyes went back to the front of the classroom and he noticed the Mr. Curtis already giving him the stink eye.

Stiles sighed as he rubbed his neck, looking back down to the syllabus that seemed to have no end. But his attention was drawn to the front of the room as the door opened, and the Vice Principal walked in. Huh, what were the chances of her being in our class? Stiles thought.

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