Chapter 3

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The days passed by slowly after that, Stiles tried quite a few times to convince Scott to go into the preserve with him, but no luck.

Stiles decided that it might be a better idea to just go himself. Scott was already obsessed with Allison, so he figured this was how he'd be doing things for a while.

He trudged to the woods, and resumed his habit of talking to himself, but hey, when talking to anyone why not talk to yourself? He needed to get good advice from somewhere.

"So what if he's not here." He muttered, going up the hill. The body still hadn't been found so that meant he still had some time before someone else probably did find it. "I don't need Scott to have fun."

Though he had to admit, that last part sounded sad even to him. Shaking his head he kept going. Stopping about an hour later to sit down and take a break. How was his life backfiring so quickly? Scott hadn't even met Allison when he said no to going into the woods with him. Then as soon as he met her it's like Stiles didn't even exist to him.

At that moment Stiles realized something, Scott didn't care about Stiles, like Stiles cared about him. Because of Allison, Stiles was replaceable. Scott didn't know how to deal with more than one person to spend time with, so he benched Stiles just so he could play a bit with Allison.

Stiles knew Scott enough to know that this wasn't just a week-long thing, he'd obsess about that girl until she broke his heart or left him pining after her for the rest of high school, if she did break his heart Scott would come crying back to Stiles, and of course, Stiles would take him back, like he always did.

Stiles leaned back against a tree, sudden exhaustion taking over him. He could sleep for a few minutes...



Derek Hale had been scouting the woods, looking for signs of his sister, or the Alpha. By now he already was sure that the Alpha had killed his sister and taken her power. That power belongs to the Hales... He thought with a growl.

Shaking his head he pushed back his anger. Without Laura, he'd have to rely on anger to keep him grounded more than ever. He would channel that anger to kill the Alpha, to get justice for his last relative that wasn't incapacitated.

He caught an unfamiliar scent about four minutes later and without a second thought, he jumped into a full sprint. Whatever had come here wasn't in a hurry, and didn't smell like a wolf. But human or not they were still trespassing.

Three minutes of running later Derek saw a boy that looked to either be a freshman or sophomore in high school sleeping against a tree. He looked fine, at least, not injured. But with the Alpha roaming, he was a very easy target.

Derek was about to kick his leg, but then he smelled something. Leaning down he sniffed the boy, and while there wasn't any blood, he smelled a mark. The Alpha planned on biting this boy and marked him. Derek's eyes widened, grabbing the boy's arm he saw the scar on his wrist that the alpha had made, and healed. The line was individual to the Alpha, and any werewolf or Alpha would know that this boy was already marked as property.

As he analyzed the boy he felt a sudden pity towards him, that mark meant that even if the human tried to escape the Alpha would hunt him down until he either killed him or bit him. As he looked at the boy's face he recognized him, this was Sheriff Stilinski's son, he was older now but he still had the same defining features from the time when the Sheriff had tried to help them after the fire.

Derek moved to wake him up, but almost as an instinct he looked up, and saw two red eyes in the shadow of a bush. They started to back up, but Derek didn't wait.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2022 ⏰

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