Chapter 9

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Liz's POV

Huh? I wondered.

He. I'm a HE.

I locked eyes with the horse.


Yes! Yes me! Who else do you think it would be?

Well...I mean sorry, I just didn't expect a horse to be talking to me in my head today.

Yes, and this isn't a fantasy story, he grumbled.

Stop being such a grouch, I told him, scolding.

Hey! What makes you think you can insult me like that! Disrespectful, puny elves...

My brain went reeling for a moment. Wait, back it up, elves? I'm an...elf?

Of course you are. Just feel your ear.

I felt it. Sure enough, it came to a small, but noticeable, point. It was quiet, but I gasped. You're right, I thought- or, told him, I guess.

Of course I am. What do you expect? Idiotic mortals.

Hey! ...Mortals?

"Um..Liz? Or, whatever you want to be called? You alright?"

I blushed, then turned around to face my guide and Lyn, the one who had asked.

"Uh, yeah!" I affirmed. "When are we getting on the road? I wanna go home-well, where I'll be staying. N-not that I'm not enjoying it here! I just want to have enough time to explore where I'll be at before I'm off on my own." For some reason, the thought of being alone hit my heart hard with a pang! I frowned and turned back towards the horse.

"Is that the one you want to ride?" Lyn asked as I turned.

"Yeah," I affirmed.

"That'll be a first," I could hear Lyn mutter behind me before the horse began talking to me again.

I'll let you know, I'm above being called the "horse" and hmm...

"Hmm" what? I asked.

Something gave me the feeling it wasn't what he was actually thinking about when he answered, Puny humans and elves, thinking they deserve to just "ride" a horse of legend!

You just called yourself horse.

Shut up.

And what legend?

Well, in the beginning- nevermind. You mortals wouldn't understand in a story how there can be thousands of years in eight, or any of the rest of it for that matter anyway.


Lyn came up next to me holding a golden lead + tiny saddle combo and asked, "You ready?"

Will it be easy riding a fantasy horse? Especially...this fantasy horse? I wanted to ask, but instead I just answered, "Yeah."

"Good," he replied, setting the saddle on the horse and patting it, somehow managing to get it to stay on the first try. "Then get on."

I looked at the saddle. There were no stirrups. Then I looked at the horse for help. I could swear he rolled his eyes as he lifted up his hoof. I took that as an invitation to step upon it. I climbed up gratefully. When I looked over, my guide was already on the giraffe horse, and Lyn was working on getting on his. When he was all set, he led the way out of the jungle. The scene had changed completely to a grassland filled with flowers, and the miniature stables were far off in the background.

The BreakawaysOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora