facts about the main trio

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This was posted around may maybe earlier while other were in July.
But this is their hight from tallest to shortest.
And might as well reviled their full names too.

Alan Orion:

He  is 6'5ft aka 195cm tall.
As mentioned in chap 9 of my story, he can not feel pain and was badly scared. The one from childhood are the one from his cheeks and the large one his side.
How he got them is cute but sad and reckless. Alan is a animal lover...a little to much. And that did risk him as a kid.
For his cheeks he tried feeding and petting raccoons in his trash of his old home. The big gush was him getting close to a Bear cub and to pet it, tho the mama didn't like.

As for the stitched scar that was fighting with a target in his job.

For his eyes I couldn't tell if he was born with it or a result of a injury due a art I saw for Alan back story. Mostly I think he born with it, since it was mentioned that he was pick on in school for mismatched eyes.

And if you're in the creepypasta it not surprised that actually based off on ticci toby. The creator was a fan of creepypasta.

His brothers are actually half brothers. Same mother just different father. Due to Alan father (and the  other fathers) leaving them. With Alan being the 3rd born of out the four.
Although thier fathers are a mystery thier mother is french.
So Alan kinda know how speak french as well as the others. But he doesn't have a accent.

In his work he does a rival named carver. They are both equally match (except pain tolerance). And he knows about Alan's "doe-eyes ". But that for a other time.

Despite how sexual Alan got in that chapter of mine and in game. He is a pansexual. Because from a q&a, Alan fall for the player's human decency. Still! He only thinking about them, even if others later treated him the same or better. Because the player was the first one to do so.

Erika vivian ramos:

She is 5'9ft aka 175cm. She is Hawaiian due to one of her fathers. Yes fathers and she still see them. And she bi, tho she lead with females more. And is poly sexual. She she willing to date and share with the player. (Cough chugh with Stu! Cough).

Stu cassidy:

  5'7ft aka 167cm being the smallest of the three.
Not much is posted about. It been confirmed that he have a older sister named Toni. Who gotten in into being his ween self. He even gotten a Hatsune Miku key chain on his base guitar. He even named it Susie • Q.  Stu was one of the three characters that to go through change of design.

Despite how Stu kind argue with Alan to have the player's affection, he also a poly sexual and pan. Still he not over his childhood crush that is the player.even with him asking for Erika number the creator is at some point would revile why soon.

The trio:

As for thier hobby. For Alan it would be wood carving and slasher movies marathons. Stu will have anime marathons (or see hent@i) or practice with his band. He would play video games as well. Erika like to draw so she can lay out design later or so she won't forget about it. Or thrift out clothes to redesign it as a fun challenge. If is isn't designer stuff then she be chilling in a cozy corner reading a crime books (both real or fictional).

Alan fear puppets while Stu is scared of clowns. Erika doesn't have one yet. but she is allergic to bee stings.

Alan like honey and can handle spicy food well. Erika love any desert that contains Ube. Stu favorite food is sushi not just any sushi. Discount sushi.

All the characters ages are two years apart (I could guess but only confirmed age that know of. Is Alan with him being 25yrs)

Alan and Erika (at moment of writing thing) already have voice actors. Stu doesn't have one yet.

The only clips I get are two on YouTube. The first one posted in June 18 and called open the door. In the clip Alan is trying to reach out to you.but you are hesitantly.

The second one is Erika messages. This was posted on the same day.
But Erika video was supposed be e first since it explains why Alan is at door while you try to run from him.

Erika's clip:

And here's Alan's clip:

If the clips don't work look up Gnometastix_ on YouTube. Note that these are age restricted since the game is 18+ anyone who is under age may risk the game to be in jeopardy.

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