Welcome. to this daycare. Called. One

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"Now Liam. Me and Owen's mom will have some important stuff to attend to, If something wrong happens the daycare attendant will take care of i- Liam Plecak. Get off my leg" Liam's mom said desperately trying to shake her son off her leg. "Liam! Come on! They'll be back soon!" Owen said grabbing Liam's arm as Liam finally let go of his mother." NOOO!!!" Liam yelled dramatically as he was hit with a paper ball.

"Ouchie!" He yelled as Owen rushed to his friend. Owen looked over to the object that threw the paper ball at him. It was some bread with Green band-aids over her." Hey! Don't mess with my friend!" Owen shouted as the girl giggle and stuck her tongue out. Soon she was pulled away by another girl. "Charlotte! Mr. Airy told us to not hit other kids! Circle is still crying until now!" She said." Oh I'm sorry SCENTY! i didn't mean too! And aren't you supposed to call me Moldy?" She replied sarcastically. "Oh right! But still don't hurt them!" Scenty replied as Moldy and her started to have an argument."Whats going on here now?" There came in the daycare attendant.


" Mr. Airy! Charl- i mean- Moldy hit the newcomer!" Scenty said pointing at Liam. Airy approached Liam and looked at him then to Owen. "So you must be Liam...Ple..pleca... I'll just call you Backpack. And you..will be called...Nail... yeah. Backpack and Nail! Welcome to the daycare called One!" Airy said welcoming the two newcomers. "But I don't wanna go Stella!" A bottle of soda walked in with their older sister. "Bryce, I need to go somewhere " Stella explained." I don't like it here thoughhhh" Bryce whined. "Oh hi, Stella. I see you brought your brother again." Airy said looking at Bryce. "Yeah. I have to go somewhere and I can't bring bryce along. So mind if I drop him off here again?" Stella asked. Airy nodded and took her to the registration desk.

Bryce looked to Liam and Owen." New here?" He asked."Yeah My name is Owen. And this is Liam!" Owen happily introduced himself. "So did Airy give you a nickname?" Bryce asked. "Oh yeah, Uh he said my name was backpack and Owen was..Nail?" Liam said ask Bryce tried holding in his laugh."Oh! Hi soda bottle!" Scenty greeted. " Oh hi there" Bryce replied. "Hello backpack and Nail! Welcome to ONE!" Scenty happily greeted." So what does ONE mean?" Backpack asked. " Oh ONE means-" Scenty was said as she was cut off by Soda Bottle." C'mon ill show you around." He said talking Owen and Liam.

"So uh heres the eating area. Over there is Tray, and thats Airline food." Bryce poined as they waved. "Heres the arts and crafts area. We make stuff here like puppets! That over there is subway seat and contact lense. And whippy creamy. They're always here." Bryce said. "Are those newcomers Soda Bottle?" Subway seat asked. "Yeah this is Backpack and Nail." Bryce replied. "Hello!" Owen said. "Whos that in the corner?" Liam poined to the object in the very corner drawing. "Oh..uh that dude is Stone. They don't talk though" Whippy Creamy stated." He's kind of..weird and quiet.." Contact lense said. Liam looked intrigued and approached stone. "U-uh..hi..?" Liam said as Stone looked at him, he just stared. (stone has a mouth in this au btw) "You're..Stone right?" Liam asked as Stone nodded." I'm Liam! Or I guess Backpack? Oh and this is my friend! Owen! Get over here!" Liam said as Owen came over.

"So this is Owen, Mr.Airy called him Nail so I guess you can call him nail too??" Liam said."I honestly think my name is silly" Owen said."You think?" Liam said as they both laughed. As they laughed, Stone began writing something on the sticky notes. And then he showed it to them. "Wait what does that say?" Liam said."Let me see " Owen said looking closely to read it. "

"It says..."


#cliffhanger. Hello I'm FileNFolders on an alt account, This is based of an AU I saw months ago. I actually started this around September so it's pretty old😦.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2023 ⏰

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