Chapter 4: How They Met

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Kate and Atlas led a group of campers to Snake River, Sam, Alex, and Luke walked behind them, chatting. A boy runs up from behind the trio and jabs his fingers into Luke's sides, making him yelp.

"Gah!" Luke quickly turns around and sighs. "Mike, you scared the hell out of me." He glares over at Sam and Alex as they laugh at him.

"Sorry bud, just saw my opportunity and had to take it." Mike chuckled. He was shorter than Luke, but taller than Alex, he had his brown hair cut into an over grown mowhake, that Sam at first thought was a mullet until she was told the difference between the two. He wore a orange collered shirt and kalki shorts. He had kind blue eyes and crooked teeth.

Sam and Alex chuckled while Luke just shoke his head and scoffed.

"Hey Mike." Sam gave Mike a small waved and he waved back.

"Hey Sam." He glances at Alex. "I don;t think I've seen you here before. The names Mike, Mike Tomstin." He held out his hand to shake her hand.

"Alex Hatfeild." They shook hands then continued following Kate and Atlas.

As they walked they talked about the camp and hobbies. Alex kept stopping to look at the forest and take some pictures, then jogged to catch up with the others. When they arrived at the river Alex awed at it.

Snake river got its name from it's snake like shape and the water snakes that live close by. It was one of the calm rivers at the camp that curved in it's trench like a snake, it's shore was covered in rocks and boulders and the group spotted some water snakes slither around in the water.

"It's beautiful." Alex said as she held out her phone and took some pictures of the lake and snakes.

Sam smiled at her then they walked to one of the boulders outlining the river and took a seat. Some of the campers went to the lake to swim, keeping an eye out for snakes, while others hung stayed in the brush and played games, while others either sat on rocks or climbed the trees.

"So, how did you three meet?" Alex asked.

"Here at camp, or at least that's when I met those two, I'm from Riverbend." Mike answered.

"Oh cool, that's not to far from here." Alex said and then glanced at Luke and Sam.

"Sam and I met when we were in first grade, Sam was being picked on by Nicole and her friends." Luke sat up and stared into the water.

Sam walked into her classroom, staring at her feet. It was the beginning of the new school year and she didn't make any friends in elementary so she had no one to talk to. She stayed away from the kids running around and playing games, some talked about their summer, while others talked about shows and movies. She sat alone at a table near a book shelf and decided to pull out a book about animals and started reading it, hoping class started soon, but there were at least ten minutes before the bell rang.

A group of kids spotted her and started walking towards her, spooking her a little when they spoke.

A boy with short blonde hair was the first to speak. "Hey, I'm Ben, what's your name?" He asked, he wore his uniform neatly, like how an adult would wear a business suit, and his hair was gelled back. His dark blue eyes would dart back and forth from Sam and her friends.

"Samantha." She rubbed her hands nervously. She wore a similar uniform like he did but not as neatly. She didn't have her shirt tucked in and wore a vest to hide it's wrinkles.

"My names Olivia, and this is Nicole." A girl with marroon hair said, her hair was put in a tight bun and she wore black wired glasses. Her green eyes seemed colder then Ben's, making Sam nervous.

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