Chapter 7: Everyone Deserves A Second Chance

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Sam took a deep breath as she walked toward Nicole. She was nervous to talk to her. What was it that she wanted to talk about? What was she going to do? As she approached Nicole noticed her and smiled at her shyly. Sam didn't bother to smile back, she didn't want to appear friendly, and she didn't want to appear scared either. So she kept her face neutral.

"Alright, let's go," Sam growled.

"Thank you." Nicole sighed in relief and they walked out of the mess hall. 

It was already past noon, Alex and Luke stayed back and watched as the pair left. Kate went back to Hawke mountain to look for an entrance.

They walked on the trail in silence for a while, making Sam nervous. It was hard to keep a plain face but the since was killing her. She glanced over at Nicole who seemed almost terrified. It almost seemed that she regretted wanting to talk with Sam.

"So... What did you want to talk about?" Sam asked, breaking the silence.

Nicole took a deep breath, "I wanted to apologize."

That caught Sam off guard and she stopped walking. "What?" She stared at Nicole confused, wishing she could tell if she was serious or not.

"I've been a dick to you ever since we first met, for no reason at all."

"Yeah, you have." Sam crossed her arms and did her best to look threatening.

"I came to the camp to start over, but I didn't know how and thought that maybe if I just ignored you and acted like you didn't exist I'd feel better or something, but we have the same cabin, and people keep talking about the incident." Nicole fiddled with her fingers. "So now my idea is that if maybe I went and apologize I'd at least feel a little better or maybe we could restart-"

"And what? Become friends? You almost killed me!" Sam yelled, she felt pissed and her face was hot. "And why now? Why wait till the end of the school year? Right before we start freshman year? Because you know the principle won't stand for the way you act? Or are you lying to me and will treat me the same way right when we get back to Bireford?"

"No! I swear I won't bully you ever again."

"You expect me to believe you?"

"We'll know, that's why I was hoping-"

"There is no way in hell am I being friends with you! Not after what you've done, I can handle being bullied, being made fun of, or being pushed around, but you almost killed me, I have a huge ass scar on my back, and my spine is fucked up! I'd have to be gullible to ever forgive you."


"I shouldn't have come to talk with you." Sam began to leave but Nicole grabbed her wrist.

"I didn't want to do it! They made me, If I didn't hurt you they would've-" She stopped talking.

Sam leaned closer to Nicole's face, narrowing her eyes on the smaller girl.

"Would've what?"

"Outed me," Nicole said quietly.

Sam's words caught in her throat and she looked at Nicole shocked. "What?"

"Yeah." Nicole stared down at her feet. 

Sam backed away unsure of what to say next. "That- I'm sorry they made you do that, but you still were a dick to me at school." All of the memories of what Nicole put her through replayed in her mind, the insults, the shoving into lockers, the cliff, was it all because she was scared to be outed, or was that the only reason she caused Sam to go to the hospital?

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