Chapter 4 - Deadly Life

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--Bell Tower (Behind), 7:33 AM, Day 15--

Kyoko: "So before we address the rabbit in the room, I want to make a few observations."

Byakuya: "I thought you weren't the Ultimate Detective anymore."

Kyoko: "I think it's time to reclaim that title..."

Godot: "Let's not delay. What are your observations?"

Kyoko knelt over the body and ran her hand over it.

Kyoko: "Just as I thought. The left side of her ribcage is shattered."

Godot: "That must've been how she died."

Byakuya: "I suspect we'll learn more about that in the Monokuma File."

Monokuma: "You caaaalled?"

Godot: "Got the files?"

Monokuma: "You know I do!"

He handed each of them a black folder.

Monokuma: "By the way, this case is a real doozy. Good luck!"

Monokuma left them there.

Kyoko: "The cause of death was blood loss, and she sustained no other injuries. That confirms our suspicions."

Byakuya: "And I can only assume the weight is what killed her."

Godot: "And the rabbit costume, it's the same one as before."

Kyoko: "How do you know?"

Godot: "I'm getting that weird feeling again. I didn't feel it in the closet with the other costumes, this specific costume's just very... off-putting."

Byakuya: "It must have fallen down, then. Though I do still wonder how it got to the top of the tower..."

Kyoko: "If I remember correctly, the costume was originally sitting at the north end of the tower. Now, it's fallen to the east end."

Godot: "Well if anyone wants to take a closer look, now's the time. We don't know where it'll end up next."

Kyoko approached the suit and placed her hand on it, then shot backwards.

Byakuya: "Is something the matter?"

Kyoko: "It's... strange..."

Byakuya: "Strange? How so?"

Kyoko: "It's hard to explain, touch it yourself."

Byakuya did as she said and shot back as well.

Byakuya: "Wh-what the..."

Godot: "Well, I'm not touching it, so try to explain it if you can."

Kyoko: "It's wrong, I think what I felt was right but it was just... wrong..."

Byakuya: "It's like my hand and my brain felt two different things..."

Godot: "What did they feel?"

Byakuya: "My brain felt what it's supposed to... my hand, I'm not sure..."

Kyoko: "Well, perhaps it's time to investigate elsewhere. Maybe we should head back to Chara's room..."

Godot: "Haven't we been there enough?"

Kyoko: "I want to check her drawers, just to make sure she didn't leave any kind of message."

Byakuya: "So you think this was a suicide?"

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