Chapter 2

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When I came to, I found I could move freely. I was untied. I tried to stand but I ached and felt weak so I just fell over again. I scraped my knee and cursed. Why did I have to be so unlucky?

 I heard a voice right behind me. “Mmm you smell so good.” I spun round but realised I still couldn’t see in the dark.

“Can’t you put a light on or something...?” I asked. “It’s not like I can outrun you, so just let me see where I’m going before I walk into something or fall again.”

He chuckled and there was still no light. I groaned and wished he would just get it over with already.

“Where’s the fun in that?” This time he wasn’t right next to me, a few metres away perhaps?

“Can’t you light a candle? I want to see where I am! I can’t see in the dark!” I complained.

“Stop moaning, it is not helping your case at all.” He snapped at me. I sighed and slumped down against, what I assumed was a wall, and felt defeated. Then I saw a small glow in the corner of the room. I crawled towards it and as I got closer I realised it was a candle.

“I thought you weren’t going to let me have light?” I probably shouldn’t have said it, but I couldn’t help myself. I thought maybe if I keep him talking, nothing bad will happen.

“Why would you think that?” I flinched and he laughed, the voice appearing right behind me again. “I let you have light because I do not want your eyesight to fade. I can see you perfectly, but your mere human sight is inferior.” I wanted to snort at that comment but thought against it. He didn’t seem the sort to mess with. “And I suppose you will see me eventually, we should get it over with now. That way if you faint again I can stop you hitting your head.” He said the last bit lightly, as if he was making fun of me. I frowned and crossed my arms.

“Whatever.” I felt I could be slightly bitchy towards him, I mean he was keeping me against my will.

“Not for long. Soon you will stay here out of free choice.” I waited to see if he was joking. He wasn’t. So I snorted, took the candle and turned round to look at him.

His face was beautiful, as if it had been carved out of stone. I looked straight to his eyes that were such a deep brown, that it felt I could get lost in them forever. I dragged myself away and looked down his face. I know I had seen his mouth before, but last time it was covered in blood. I shuddered at the memory. This time though, it was pulled up in a smile and it revealed very large and very sharp teeth. I dropped the candle and it went out. I cursed whilst he laughed at me again.

“I don’t see why you keep laughing at me, it’s not funny. I’m terrified.” I said the last bit so softly, but I knew he would hear it anyway. He heard it in my mind before I had even said it.

He lit the candle again, and a few more so that I could actually see where I was. I grimaced as I realised it resembled a dungeon. Great, keep the prisoner in a dungeon.

“It’s only part of my house; I couldn’t have you upstairs just yet. Maybe in time...” He seemed lost in thought and I turned to look at him. He stood in the corner leaning against the wall all casually. He was looking down at the floor whilst he was thinking, so I chose this time to see the rest of him. Since he hadn’t got his hood on anymore, I could see that he had blonde hair. He stood tall, very tall, quite well built too, no wonder he was so strong. I looked at his clothes and he was all dressed in black, how cliché of him. He smirked at that thought.

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