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Killua walked into the drug store, confused and unsure about what he was doing. He and Gon were on a short little vacation together and despite all of his best attempts, the other boy simply seemed clueless about how Killua was head over heels for him.
Then earlier today they had been watching one of those trashy mid day talk shows and they'd had a bunch of dorks who liked to wear diapers out on stage.
Killua had been about to comment on what a bunch of dorks they were then happened to notice Gon almost drooling.
"..wait.. don't tell me that you wanna be put back in diapers!" Killua had asked and Gon shook his head.
"Nah, I just think a whimpering boy in a big fluffy diaper is adorable! If i saw one I'd have to cuddle him lots and pat his bum!" Gon had said.
Naturally this had lit a little light bulb over Killua's head and excusing himself from the room to go on a candy run, he'd gone and found out where he could get diapers like he'd seen on the show.
(Of course, asking for that info had made the clerk at the information desk start to laugh till Killua gave him a death glare. he'd gotten the info he'd wanted and left the jackass in a puddle of his own urine.) So now here he was, In the diaper section of the stupid store, and staring at all the different packs of diapers.
'Geez..who knew there was such a booming industry for big babies..' he thought.
Some of the diapers were made super girly for baby girls and sissies (So he cut them out of the running, he wasn't about to rock a frilly diaper butt) and others boasted about how massive and thick they were.
then there were some punishment ones that made sure not to hide any smells and promised diaper rash and just, it was a stupid amount of choices for someone who just wanted cuddles.
"Need some help?" A clerk asked, grinning.
the older boy (Killua estimated between 19-22) had short black hair and wore a pair of black dress pants a white t-shirt, with a black vest with the store logo on it.
His name tag read Dylan and Killua could practically sense the delight coming from him.
"I uh..I'm picking up some diapers...for a friend!" he said, a blush coming to his cheek.
"Mhmmm..whatever you say little guy. what's your friend into? Is he a naughty little boy, a big diaper messer, or what?"
"I..I uh.. I think he'll want something big, but not so big people will notice..and he's totally not gonna crap himself." Killua squeaked out.
"i seeee..and would it be fair to assume your 'friend' is about the same size as you?" Dylan asked.
"Welll we have some sample packs then that you could try on, and if they look good on you, they should be great for him." Dylan said and winked.
"N-No! I don't think so!" shaking his head at the thought of modeling off his diaper butt in the store Killua just reached out and snagged the closet pack of diapers.
"These should do just fine for him!" he added and then dashed to the counter to pay for them.
(Actually all he did was toss a wad of bills at the clerk and took off, over paying for the diapers by a good 200 bucks)
Watching the red faced diaper dork run off, Dylan just shook his head.
"I wonder if he'll read the warning on them before putting those locking diapers on?..I hope not. what a dork!" He laughed and went back to work The downside of him rushing out of the store Killua quickly realized, was that now he didn't have a bag to hide his diapers in.
'damn it..I really did wanna go to the candy shop!' the soon to be big baby pouted.
the mental image though of him coming in, a bag of diapers under a arm though and how full the shop always seemed to be with it being summer was just too mortifying to go though with.
Plus then he'd have to kill everyone to shut them all up he was pretty sure Gon wouldn't of liked that.
He was hiding in a ally and trying to steady his breath, the street was busy but this wouldn't be a problem for him if he could just focus.
'right..I'll zoom out and go crisscross till i get back to the hotel. I've been in harder situations then this.' he thought and went to take a step out of the ally, and tried over his his own feet and stumbled trying to get his balance back before he went head over heels into a trash can.
'...this isn't going to be my day is it?' he fumed for a second before bursting out.
Thankfully the rest of the trip back to the hotel went as planned, and he even made it thought the front lobby home free.
Feeling proud of himself for being a sneaky boy, he stopped dead in his tracks as he got to their room door.
'...Wait..I wanna surprise Gon by being IN one of these..and if he's on the bed...' he thought and then face palmed.
he tried to picture how Gon would react if he came in trying to hold the diapers in his arms, and then thought about Gon offering to diaper him.
the thought of Gon looking after his helpless little love slave had Killua drooling and while he was standing there, the door opened.
"Ewww, that smell is you?" Gon said wrinkling his nose then holding it. "Go take a shower!" he said and pointed to the bathroom and then strolled past Killua heading for the lobby.
'...Did..did he not notice the diapers?' Killua thought, sweat dropping. '...God it's a good thing he's cute.' Coming into the room Killua did head for the shower, he hadn't noticed it till now but Gon had been right, his little dip in the trash had left him smelling a tad ripe. striping down he tossed his clothes in the small hamper the hotel offered. (Since they had paid for a laundry service)
He set the pack of diapers down on the back of the toilet and making sure the bathroom door was locked,started up his shower. Gon was on cloud nine as he went up to the front lobby, he'd gotten a complaint from the staff that Killua was threatening people again and had noticed the smell outside of the room.
when he'd seen the diapers in the other boys arms he'd played dumb just to see if Killua was REALLY gonna go and put himself back in diapers JUST for him.
'I wonder if he'd let me get away with spanking him for being naughty?' Gon wondered then meet up with the manger. showered and smelling much better, Killua dried himself off and then bit his lip, looking at the pack of diapers and then his reflection in the steamed up mirror.
'Ok..ok come on. you can do this. you've faced wayyy worst things then a simple big baby diaper!' he mentally scolded himself.
Opening the pack up he noticed a little warning on the back, something about the diapers being locking ones but he wasn't worried, he could pick any lock he came across and tugged out one of the bulky thing and looked it over in his hands, feeling the smooth plastic.
It was plain white for the most part with a lock design on the front and he figured that's what they meant about a lock since he didn't FEEL any chains or anything and unfolded the thing.
And stared. and then stared some more.
'...I have no idea what I'm doing. Maybe I should of let that jerk back at the store at least show me how this is suppose to go on.' he groaned mentally.
"Alright.. you're a smart boy, you musta seen a diaper changed at least once. you can do this. how hard can it be anyways?" he said out loud.
getting the bulk between his legs he tugged up the back and front and got one side and then the other tapped up and pasued to look in the mirror and see how it looked.
and then the diaper flopped off as he hadn't taped it tight enough.
'...Ooook, take two.'
The second attempt took hold though it was a little snug, but Killua figured he wouldn't be wearing it long and stashed the failed diaper and the pack under the sink and wrapped himself up in a towel to go and get some clean clothes.
'mental note, next time bring a change in with you.' he noted and smiled as Gon was sitting on the bed.
"Do I smell better now?' he asked in a teasing tone.
"Yup! thought you're still in trouble." Gon said with a evil little smirk.
'Does he know how sexy he looks when he's beaning evil?' Killua thought then gulped.
"What did I do!?!"
"You went and were terrorizing the staff here. again." Gon said and then patted his lap, sitting on the edge of the bed. "I've asked you not to and management is getting fed up, so I promised them I'd give you a spanking." Gon lied.
"...Come again?"
"Get over my lap for a spanking." Gon said, and was grinning big time.
"I..uh..Ok sooo let's talk about this for a second an-" Killua said, sweat dropping and waving one hand back and forth, the other keeping the towel around his waist.
"If I have to come over there and get you, it's going to be a spanking AND a time out." Gon said and patted his lap again. Gon gave Killua a full 20 seconds to think about his choices, and then got up off the bed.
"I guess it's a spanking AND a time out." he said shaking head but delighted.
He was fairly sure the only reason Killua hadn't sprinted over to lap on his lap and get the spanking was because the little guy was in one of his diapers already and didn't want Gon to see.
"W-wait! Hang on! I uh..I need to use the bathroom first!" Killua said and held out a hang, backing up and towards the bathroom door.
"Y-yeah! you don't want me to pee on you do you? S-So I'm gonna go in the bathroom, take a super big pee and then you can give me a  spanking!" Killua said, looking like he was going to have a nervous break down.
"heh..Oooook but you have 2 minutes then I'm coming in." Gon said and picked up his phone setting a timer.
"Starting, now."
and Killua was gone, and the bathroom door slammed shut. Fuck my life!' Killua thought and then signed a breath of relief.
at least he'd be able to take the diaper off and then squirm on Gon's lap.
'at least my butt's getting attention one way or anther!' the brat thought with a cheeky grin, then reached to tug the diaper off.
And nothing happened.  then he tried opening the tapes, and again, NOTHING happened!
"Oh fuck no.."
he scrambled for the pack of diapers under the sink and fully read about the warning on the back now and froze.
"New nen blocking diapers! is your widdle brat a nen user? this will not only block most of their powers but stay locked until your little guy has wet it lots and has messed in his or her diapers, with their own nen being used to make sure the diaper doesn't leak!" the pack boasted. "As such, do NOT put on your little brat unless your sure he/she can be safe in their diapers for quite a little while."
"Fuck..fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCKKKKKK!"Killua whined and tossed the pack of diapers at the wall.
"Killua! are you ok in there?" Gon's voice came though the door and then, the handle was turning as Killua had forgotten to lock it!
"G-GON! Don't come-" Killua started to yell, but then the door was opened and his diaper clad butt was on full display. "in.." he finished weakly and blushed.
Gon just smirked and chuckled and Killua, at a lost for anything else to say or do, rubbed the back of his head and In a small sheepish voice. "Uh...Surprise?" "heh..so I guess somebody got a naughty little idea from watching that show with me.. but why all the swearing?" Gon asked, coming over and patting the back of Killua's diaper butt and smirking as the little brat coo'ed softly.
"heh, I asked you a question silly." Gon said, but kept patting the thick diaper butt of his new little guy.
"Can..can you..Can't think.." Killua gurgled, and actually started to suck his thumb!
'Ok, mental note, butt pat's equal big baby mode.'
"ok.. ok.." Gon stopped patting the butt and then waited, and Killua kept sucking on his thumb, a drool line coming down his chin. "Why were you swearing." Gon asked again, figuring the baby brained boy had simply forgotten what daddy was asking him
Instead of answering Killua pointed to the pack of diapers and as Gon read the back of them he got a BIG grin on his face.
"oh so you're not going to just be in diapers for me, your going to mess them for me huh?" he asked and Killua blushed and nodded, a big pout on his face as he finally pulled his thumb out of his mouth.
"Awww did widdle Killua not plan on being stuck in his diapers?" Gon teased and tickled the pouty boys chin.
"I...I just wanted to wear and like get cuddles and butt pats! I didn't wanna make a mess in my diaper like a baby!" Killua whined and stomped a foot.
"Well you don't really have a choice now do you? but if it helps, I'll wear one with you and cuddle you while you fill your diaper and when I need to I will as well." Gon promised.
"You'd better!!" the huffy brat whined, then seemed to think for a second. "At least I shouldn't feel the spanking now!"
"heh, yeahhh I'll just wait for your diaper change for that." Gon said and kissed Killua's cheek.
the big baby knew he should of been outraged and pouting even more, but as Gon's lips met his cheek he practically melted and got a big goofy smile on his face.
He also, almost without realizing it started to pee in his diaper.
"Buh ba bleh hehehe~" He gurgled.
"...How have you not been put back in diapers before this?" Gon asked and tugged the little boy to their bed. for the next hour and a half Killua went back and forth between paradise and hell as him and Gon snuggled and watched TV.
on the plus side of things Gon was cuddling him and would pat his diaper butt off and on, and give his forehead a little kiss now and then.
making it hell was since he hadn't put on any lotion or baby powder before putting the diaper on, the wet diaper was starting to itch a little, AND Gon insisted on them watching kiddie shows.
"Nothing too violent on for you, we don't want you to get scared and pee your diaper again." Gon had said.
Gon was also talking about going out and getting Killua some other baby stuff so he could be Gon's full on widdle guy and Killua..wasn't exactly sure how much he'd like that and would just mutter "we'll see." (though it was usually after that Gon would pats his diaper butt.)
in the mixed blessing other other side of things, Killua could feel his tummy starting to cramp up which meant he'd have to load his diaper soon.He wasn't looking forward to messing his diaper but it would mean getting out of the itchy wet one.
"Maybe daddy should go and pick up some baby powder and wipes for his little guy and himself before we mess our diapers." Gon giggled.
"I..Uh..well it IS a little itchy."
"Mmhmmm.when i put you in your next diaper I want you all comfy!"
"N-next? I uh..maybe if we got some NORMAL diapers I could just-"
Killua was shushed up with a kiss to the lips, Little fireworks going off in his mind and then a big boom going off in the seat of his diaper. Gon chuckled mentally, Killua had started to mess his diaper without noticing. the one thing he hadn't counted on when using a kiss to shush the fussy baby up was that would open the gates so to speak and he just did his best to ignore the smell and kept kissing Killua, who was still filling his diaper (he Hadn't gone in 3 days.).  The smell was quite strong and gon wondered for a second if it would be safe to layer the nen locking diapers but for now he put up with it and just patted the crinkling cackling seat of the big babies diaper as he made it swell and bubble out and turn a shade of brown. Killua felt warm in his loins and assumed it was from the kiss, closing his eyes and opening his mouth, willing Gon to take him.
then he felt the pat on his butt and the squish and he opened his eyes, mmpthing and pulling back.
"I-I pooped!" he cried out.
"heh, ya you have been loading it for the past minute." Gon teased.
"I..I..I didn't even!!" Killua whined and his bottom lip started to tremble.
"Awww it's ok, lean back and daddy will kiss it all better." Gon said and winked.
Killua should of taken this chance to finish up. he then could of gone and gotten out of the diaper and showered up, and told Gon he didn't wanna be a big baby anymore.
Totally what he SHOULD of done.
Instead the big baby whined, then leaned back in for anther smooch.
'I guess messing my diaper isn't so bad..as long as daddy kisses me and loads his diapers too.' Killua thought.

Killua in baby landWhere stories live. Discover now