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Squid got on the bus and looked for a seat. She considered sitting by her brothers but thought that P.J. would tease her and fight Gradient. Slowly stumbling towards the back she heard the bus driver yell.


She quickened her pace and found a seat by herself. While unzipping her backpack she felt something hit her head a piece of paper,  just then a kid yelled "Headshot!!!" and others laughed. She uncrumpled the paper reading the inside.

"Lonely freak go back to the grave." She whispered loud enough for some people near by to hear.

They started to laugh again even louder. Squid choked up her throat closing in breathing hurt bad but she tried not to cry, I mean its not the first time RIGHT?  Soon they came to a stop she didn't recognize this one It was new. She analyzed it until someone came on the bus. She had Angelic clean tan skin a blind eye and a beautiful green one. Her elfish ears the halo circling her head. Platinum blonde hair down, bangs swooped to the side. Her white plaid skirt swaying and her Pink daisy cardigan tucked in yet droopy. Followed by her white socks with two pink stripes and pink heart strapped platform heals. Her black messenger bag jingling.

Squid gasped, her eyes widened and she stared as her ears slid back. The New girl sat across the aisle from Squid and waved. Squid gasped yet again, drew back and shaded her face. Sooner or later they arrived at school. She was getting shoved around, suddenly some one grabbed her hand and ran off the bus dragging Squid behind them. "I can't stand people being mistreated." She scoffed and rolled her eyes"Anyways I'm Lily!,and you?"

Squid stared wide eyed then shook her head."I-I'm Squ.....Squid..."she mumbled.

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