Who are they..!?

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Sage and strawberries smiles quickly faded when the room went dark and they were left with a greenish blue tint

"Oh no.. Okay Strawberry hold my hand and don't let go until we leave this room okay? This is the halt, an entity that can appear in front of you at any given time" Sage explains before fully walking into the room

"Why'd we have to encounter something called the halt!? Out of all things.. Let's get this over with. " Strawberry replied and grabbing Sage's hand

(I'm literally not typing anything related to what they did bc of how long it'll take so..)

"Phew.. That took.. Longer than expected but hey none of use died! So win win I guess?" Sage said while walking to a room to get the key to unlock the door

"I'm so tired from this. " Strawberry said while walking behind Sage waiting outside the room for sage to get the key

"Well there's nothing I can do about that Strawberry... Unless you wanna read a fan fi-" Sage said but then got cut off by strawberry saying

"no, I refuse to read any fan fiction about obey me or anything else. " Strawberry said while looking at sage

"Awweee but come on, wait. Do we even have internet here??" Sage asked while unlocking the door

"I don't know?? Check your phone or something" Strawberry said and realized the lights flickered

"Oh shoot! Sage we gotta hide go find a closet and quick!" Strawberry yelled while running and hiding under a bed.

Sage ran to the nearest closet and hid in it waiting for the Rush to pass

"That was.. Close, thanks for warning me strawberry, I would've been dead if you didn't say anything" Sage said while getting out of the closet and strawberry getting from under the bed and brushing the dirt off of her skirt

"No problem big brother" Strawberry said while walking out of the room and into the hallway.

"Hey wait for me!! Just because you're turning 16 doesn't mean you can leave mee" Sage yelled out while running after strawberry.

"Sorry, won't happen again pinkie promise" Strawberry said while opening the draws when she got jump scared by a spider

"HAHAHA- Ahem.. Sorry but anyways let's call the spider that jump scared you Timothy" Sage said while holding in a laugh

"It's not funny, I could've had a heart attack!" Strawberry said while giving sage a mad look.

"Yeah okay.. Sure" Sage replied while walking past her and to the next door and opening it.

"WAIT DON'T LEAVE ME" Strawberry yelled while running to Sage.


Okay I actually just ran out of things for this. WELP BYE I'M WRITING PART 4 NOW

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