Ian's breakdown

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Lip's POV:

It's been 2 weeks since mickey's disappearance , obviously ian hasn't taken it well .
I've tried everything to help him , but nothing works . fiona can't help because her and jimmy are on holiday . Ian won't get out of bed , he hasn't for the past week . at first he still went to work , he tried to act normal but I guess the second week just broke him .

"hey cmon
ian , at least eat something ." I'm worried for him , he's had other episodes but nothing compared to this . I know I shouldn't but I am starting to lose my patience ,
this is going too far , mickey is ruining my brother and I will not let this continue . "Ian I know it's hard but please don't do this to yourself , you deserve so much better ." still no reply , he's laying in bed facing the wall so I can't see him . "that's it , you're gonna get up , have a shower , actually eat something and then you're going to a club with me tonight ." he slowly turns around , "lip shut the fuck up will you?" "no I won't , I hate seeing you like this , get up ." of course he rolls his eyes , that's one of his favourite reactions to anything and everything . "you could find a cute guy to bang at the club ."
he sits up , "pass me a smoke ." I smirk and pat him on the back , "now this is the brother I remember ." I hand him a smoke and we just sit there .

Ian's POV:

typical lip , always trying to fix things that cannot be fixed . I'll give him an A+ for effort though . I look at him and hesitate.. "hey lip.. any news from.." I can't say his name , I'll break once again . he turns to me with an understanding look , "no , not for 2 weeks ."
"what if something has happened to him lip? I love him.. so much ." lip sighs . "I know you do ian , but just for today how about we try to put your mind at ease?" I smile faintly at his attempt to cheer me up . "ah , well I'm going to go check on mandy , and get ready ." "see you later lip ." I peek over at my phone , hoping from a call or at least a text from mickey , but nothing ." I stand up and make my way down to kitchen which I can hardly face . too many memories for me to endure . I pick up the photo of me and mickey at our wedding day and whisper "where are you mick?"

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