mickey's appearance

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Ian's POV:

me and lip are in the taxi now , I have to say I'm a bit nervous to go out and actually socialise . lip pats me on my shoulder and reassures me , "everything is gonna be fine ." but then I remember .. HE did that , he was the one to comfort me and reassure me .
no ian , don't let him ruin your night , let's try for lip .

as I enter the club it all comes rushing back to me of what I've missed out on , having fun . "feel better now ay?" we walk to the bar and order a drink . "I think mandy might be pregnant ." I spit my drink out in shock , "WHAT?" he smirks , "I'm only joking , we can't afford a baby just yet ." I fist him in the stomach , "dickhead ." "what's with all the noise behind you?" I look behind me to see what looks like a bunch of mexicans arguing . "WHY WOULD YOU FUCKING SHOOT HIM?" "I DONT KNOW , HE WASN'T CO-OPERATING!" I look over at lip , I point and roll my eyes until I hear a familiar name . "just leave him guys , it's only fucking skanky milkovich , he's not worth
out time . let's get back on the road ." my eyes widen and I spin my head round to lip "MICKEY?!" I sprint to the back door of the club to see the love of my life covered in blood . "LIP!" "MICKEY PLEASE STAY WITH ME!!"

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Sep 18, 2022 ⏰

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