Chapter 3

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Finn's P.O.V
Girls are so unpredictable. One day they're best friends, the next they're fighting. I mean, what the hell is going on with Quinn? Her and Rachel were fine a week ago.. After Quinn walked away Rachel was pissed off. I tried to comfort her but she wiggled away from my hug. I got sad and I think she noticed.

Rachel- I'm sorry Finn. It's just that I'm upset. I don't know what's gotten into her.

Me- I'm pretty sure she'll come to her senses sooner or later.

Rachel- Can I be alone for a while. Please Finn.

Me- "Sure, just don't be late to class okay?" I said as I grabbed her hands.

Rachel- I won't

I gave her a kiss in the forehead and she walked away. I started walking to Glee when I saw Quinn walking through the hallways. I decided to pull her in an empty classroom and talk to her.

Quinn- "What the hell Finn." She said as she pulled her arm away from my grip.

Me- We need to talk.

Quinn- Look, this is between Rachel and I so mind your damn business.

Me- What's gotten into you? You guys were fine a week ago?

Quinn- Things change. People change. Get over it.

Me- Quinn, stop acting like this. This isn't you. You changed when you came here. You were sweet and friendly with everyone. Now you're back to how you were when we were together and I don't like that side.

Quinn- But you did like it when I would be sweet to you only, remember? Or do I have to help you remember?

She was getting closer towards me. I was slowly walking back but then hit a desk. She kept coming closer and closer until she was in front of my face. Her lips an inch away from mine. I stood there frozen.

Quinn- "I'm not going to kiss you because I want to kiss you when you're single. Which will be soon. Just wait till your mine." She said as she backed away slowly.

She was walking away and before she left out the door she turned around and blew me a kiss. She left out the door and I just fell to the floor on my knees. I covered my face with my hands and couldn't stop thinking. What did she mean I'll be single soon? Do I still love her? No I can't. I'm with Rachel. I heard the door open and I thought it was Quinn.

Me- "Leave me alone Quinn." I said as I brought my head up to see who it was. I regret what I said once I saw who it was.

Rachel- I'm not Quinn. But what did you mean by 'Leave me alone Quinn'? What did she do to you?

Me- "Nothing Rach. It was a dream sorry." I said as I got up. "Let's go to glee?" I extended my hand for her to grab.

Rachel- "Okay then." She said and grabbed my hand.

We walked in Glee and I instantly saw Quinn staring at me. I looked away and kissed Rachel's forehead. I could tell Quinn got mad but I don't care. I see Rachel and she's blushing. We go sit down where we always sit down.

Rachel's P.O.V
When we were walking inside Glee, I saw Quinn staring at Finn. I guess Finn saw her staring and he kissed me in my forehead. I blushed but I was actually sad. We sit down where we always sit down and all I can think about was when he said 'Leave me alone Quinn', and now Quinn is staring at him all flirty? Is he doing something behind my back? Is she planning something? I got out of my thought when I heard Mr.Shue come in.

Mr.Shue- Welcome back everyone and welcome new members.

Everyone starts clapping and then it gets quiet again.

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