Part 4

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At the bar, Gamblers' Den, San Lang put an arm around Xie Lian's waist, and nodded at the doorman. The doorman nodded back, and they entered. Xie Lian was well-impressed,

"You totally looked like a mafia boss there", he said, nudging San Land and laughing.

"Did I?", San Lang replied, "Then I have to give you the kiss of death, because you know too much...", making a mock threatening look, and coming close.

"San Lang-gege", Xie Lian pushed him away playfully; he was starting not to be pissed off or embarrassed anymore; he realised San Lang was full of shit like that. He'd just have to play along.

"Beer? Or would you like something stronger?", San Lang asked.

"Beer is alright", he replied. San Lang got them two bottles, which they clinked and drank. Xie Lian said, smiling, "That's actually the first time I drink in a bar".

"Yeah? But you've tried beer before", San Lang asked.

"We manage to buy and drink at home", Xie Lian replied, "Mu Qing and I drink responsibly. Now Feng Xin...", he shook his head; didn't need to say anything else.

"Well I won't get you drunk tonight, don't worry", San Lang said, "I'm your responsible adult remember?", and he flashed that teasing smile; Xie Lian already knew he was about to say something naughty. "It's the only adult thing I'll do tonight".

Xie Lian sipped his beer and looked around, trying to play it cool. It was a Thursday, and the bar was getting more crowded by the second; San Lang stood by Xie Lian protectively, making sure nobody pushed him, like a proper gege! It was a reggae night, the mood was easy-going and relaxed.

"They know me here. See the DJ there? He's my mate", San Lang pointed at a black guy with dreadlocks tied up his head, behind the decks. The guy looked at them and gave a friendly wink.

"I quite like reggae, but I don't know much about it", Xie Lian said.

"It's sexy...", San Lang replied, this time being serious, not intending to tease Xie Lian at all; and Xie Lian, there and then, couldn't disagree. The way they were that close together, swaying to that slow-paced rhythm, with suggestive lyrics... it was sexy. He tried to distract himself, looking at the people around, but couldn't stop shooting quick glances at San Lang.

Suddenly, he heard, "Xie Lian my man!!!", and a hearty laughter; he looked around, and it was the DJ! San Lang stepped in, and, pointing away, said, "That guy's looking for you".

The DJ stepped back, smiling brightly, "Oh, you want Xie Lian only for you then? So possessive!", and burst out laughing again, "Alright, Hua C. Xie Lian, see you!", and walked away. San Lang kept looking at him, then turned to Xie Lian and smiled, "Don't mind X-Yue, he's always over the top like that".

"San Lang, how did he know my name?", Xie Lian asked; maybe San Lang tried to distract him, thinking he wouldn't notice this detail!

"Oh, that. Well XL-didi, I've been hiding something from you".


"Thing is", San Lang said, nervously holding his beer with both hands, "I knew you already. I follow your YouTube channel, I'm a big fan. And so is X-Yue..."

"Oh, why didn't you tell me before?", Xie Lian asked, surprised, "Do you think I'm gonna call you a stalker?", he laughed.

"Hum, when we met at that canteen, you seemed pissed off. Plus, going to you 'hiii I'm a big fan' it's so lame isn't it?", San Lang replied.

"I see", Xie Lian said, then added, "it's good to meet people who like my music...", and he gave San Lang the biggest smile ever. He finished his beer, and said, "But, I better go".

"Go where?"


"Weren't you going M.I.A. for a bit?"

"I have to go home eventually. I live in Mount Taicang, I have to see how to get there..."

"XL-didi, why don't you crash at my place? I don't live far".

"You already looked after me the whole day...", Xie Lian said, but secretly dying to stay with San Lang! And, he had no idea how to get home...

"I can look after you tonight too", San Lang replied, pffting a laugh, "I'm joking. You can sleep on my couch. You're not actually afraid of me are you?"

"Of course not", Xie Lian replied coolly, "Alright I'll stay then. Thanks San Lang-gege!"

"My pleasure", he replied, winking, "You must be tired, let's go home then".

They walked around 15 minutes to get to San Lang's flat; it was in a modern building, on the 4th floor. It looked big and stylishly minimalist, with a red wall, a black L-shaped sofa and a flat screen tv on its opposite side. Big glass doors led to a balcony.

"Wow, that's so nice!", Xie Lian exclaimed, "You should see the house I share with Feng Xin and Mu Qing... the newest piece of furniture is from the 90s", he laughed. San Lang laughed too. "And you have a fairly big balcony, you can do a BBQ here", Xie Lian added, walking over to it.

"Let me show you something", San Lang said, turning off the lights, then walking to Xie Lian's side. He said, "I like being in the dark, just looking at the city lights. It's relaxing".

"It is relaxing", Xie Lian agreed, looking away with his eyes still, as if hypnotised. They stayed side by side on the balcony for a while.

"San Lang...", Xie Lian called, hesitating to say what he started to say, "I'm not very experienced so maybe I'm totally wrong. But I've got this impression that, apart from all the jokes, you like me".

"Yeah?", San Lang replied, "If I do, do you think it's... wrong, or disgusting?"

"No", he replied, "I don't. I like it". He flashed a shy smile, "I like you San Lang".

San Lang smiled tenderly. Xie Lian kept looking at him, expectant, but San Lang didn't move.

"You're not going to kiss me or something?", he asked, feeling his face burning.

"Do you want to?", San Lang asked softly; Xie Lian nodded awkwardly.

"Then, why don't you kiss me?", San Lang replied, his smile going beyond teasing.

Xie Lian bit his lower lip, and got close to San Lang, getting his face near his, his hands on his chest; slowly, he kissed him, wrapping his arms around San Lang's neck. San Lang's lips were hot, and wet, and as soon as their lips touched, he used his tongue around Xie Lian's, holding Xie Lian tight around the waist; Xie Lian's body trembled.

"San Lang-gege, ah!", he sighed, and San Lang kissed him deeper, hugging him tighter; Xie Lian felt hard, and felt San Lang's hardness too, and it all made him... San Lang kept grabbing him by the waist, and they kept kissing, their bodies pressed against each other – but Xie Lian felt just kissing wouldn't be enough. He wanted more. He needed more.

"San Lang-gege, I'm not very experienced", he repeated, "not with a guy. It's the first time I even kiss a guy", he said, lowering his eyes shyly.

San Lang smiled, "You're doing good", then added, "We can stop if you want".

"No! I'm", Xie Lian said, "I'm telling you this because, hum, I don't want to stop". He felt that burning on his face again; he realised San Lang didn't want to push him into anything, but for him to take the lead on this was damn awkward.

"San Lang-gege, do you want to..." he asked, with big pleading eyes, biting his lower lip, "I don't really know what to do and I might just be rubbish and – "

"Do you want to?", San Lang interrupted him.

"Yes", Xie Lian replied.

San Lang held his hand, his smile tender again, "Alright. We can stop anytime you want". Xie Lian nodded and smiled shyly, and San Lang took him by the hand inside the flat.

Well we need some fluff/sexy moment too don't we? 😍

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