Chapter 1 : Having a stroke

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Look who's back writing and not being a bitchy hoe meeee)

M/n pov

I was walking out of the club leaving my friends behind cause the amount of smoke in there was going to kill me instead of my lack of sleep
Went in a ally way to  hide  because I just saw one of my ops walking around. I turn around I see a short tree stump looking kid murking A nigga that's like a foot taller than him I ran the fuck out of that place fuck I look like A nigga that want to get murked hell fuckin no I just moved here from the u.s a week ago .I just might go back smh

M/n : this week has been all type of fucked up  how fucked up is fucked up thats fucked up

I ran my ass all the way home locked my door used the top lock for once shut all my windows and locked them bitches up I laid on my bed curling my goofy self into a ball covers covering every inch of my body and I started to pray, pray that the nigga I saw don't come after me....

I hear a loud ass Banging on my door, god really hates me huh

I hid my ass into my big a closet I climbed all the way onto the top self and used my luggage to cover myself I hear my door fuckin fly bro it's jut a big as BOOM

????: huh guess is he gone the window is open hey sanzu go check if he left from the window

?????: hey why do I have to do it fineeeee

Good thing I opened my window before climbing my ass onto this closet yea I know black people can't climb tree's but I was scared alright I just grabbed onto the biggest self I can reach and jumped

I saw a spider I jumped the fuck out of that closet and fuckin grabbed into a guy with a mullet and purple and black hair for dear life . A big ass spider came out of the closet we both screamed like highschool girls running to Justin Bieber and we also grabbed onto each other and then looked at each other  I let tf go and tried to run but mf was trying to break my ribs so I screamed

M/n : you got it you got it!!!!!!! Fuck my ribs hurt

?????: your  coming with us wither you like it or not

M/n : sooooo can I get a slice of pizza first or...

???: no

The guy with purple and black hair brings out a taser and turns it on and off and says

????: this finna TOUCH your Balls if you don't listen to me

M/n : oh shit I mean yes sir

The guy grabs me and walks out of my house and opens a car door and throws me in he calls of a guy named sanzu a pink haired strawberry pimp came in the car and I'm just in the back laying down not wanting to move and sweating like hell froze over .

I got dragged out the car and blind folded and my hands where tied to

M/n : sooo this my birthday party or what....I'm not going to die Right ....cause if so at least let me eat something I'm mad hungry

???? : shut the hell up

P.s to be continued I'm HELLLLA LAZY FOR THIS SHIT

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