Chapter 9

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Going to school the next day felt kind of weird, now that I knew about the Supernatural world. Apparently, all of the teenage wolves in the Blue Moon Pack went to our school; most of my year was composed of werewolves. According to Cole, none of the Pack knew that I was a were because my Mom had raised me as a human away from all Pack life. The fact that I smelled like a wolf and not a human didn't make any difference because I was constantly around the twins, whose scents would rub off on me.

I wondered how surprised everyone would be when I shifted in two weeks. "What do you think my wolf will look like?" I asked Cole as we walked to English together.

"Well, usually their fur is the same general colour as the human's hair, unless you have a special quality or position in the Pack. For example, your Mom has dark auburn hair, but her wolf is white. That's because her wolf is a Luna wolf and must be identified as such," he explained. We walked into English and took our seats at the back of the class.

"Okay. So, your wolf is darker than your hair colour because...?"

"Because I'm the next Alpha," he finished for me. "Dad's wolf is pure black."

"Oh. I didn't think about that. So you're pretty important, huh?" I asked.

"I guess so. When Dad steps down in a few years and I step up to assume his position, my wolf will likely get darker."

"When will that happen?"

"Usually a new Alpha steps up a few weeks after he completes Alpha training, just after his 20th birthday."

"Wow, that's quite soon. So you're already doing Alpha training? Is that why you're away so much?" I asked.

"Yes, it is. There's a lot to learn in just two years," Cole replied. The tardy bell rang at that moment, ending our conversation, and Ms. Baxter walked in to begin the lesson. We were still wading through 'Romeo and Juliette' and I was starting to nod off when Cole suddenly leaned over and whispered in my ear, his breath tickling my jaw. "My bounty is as boundless as the sea; My love as deep; the more I give to thee, the more I have, for both are infinite."

I giggled and swatted him away. "Much as I find that really sweet coming from you, I still think it's a bit OTT," I said.

"But I mean every word," Cole replied, making me blush. He reached out and slowly rubbed his finger along my cheek, tracing my jawbone. The constant metal clanging of the bell suddenly interrupted our moment and jerked us back to reality, making me remember that we were still sitting at the back of Ms. Baxter's classroom as the rest of the class gathered their stuff and started filing out. I jumped out of my seat and grabbed my books before making my way over to the door. Cole was right behind me and he took my books from my arms as we walked down the hall to math. "Hey! I'm not handless, you know!" I protested.

Cole smiled at me and gave me back my books when we reached the door to my math class. "It's a pleasure, Belle," he replied, flashing me a heart-stopping grin before turning and walking away to his own classroom. I stood there just staring at his broad back until the tardy bell went and I hurried in to a boring hour of Calculus.



English was beginning to grow a little more interesting. When we first started studying Romeo and Juliette, I thought Romeo was really sappy, but now I think I was starting to understand how he felt. Who knows; maybe he was a werewolf and Juliette was his mate? It would certainly explain a lot. I was skimming down the page, half-listening to Ms. Baxter babbling on about poetic techniques, when a few lines caught my eye. They summed up my feelings for Belle perfectly. I glanced over at her and saw that she was almost falling asleep. I smiled and leaned over to whisper in her ear, her amazing scent wafting up my nostrils as I did so. "My bounty is as boundless as the sea; My love as deep; the more I give to thee, the more I have, for both are infinite," I breathed.

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