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(This is going to be about how Louie and Remy met)

We are introduced by a poor little rat named Remy, unfortunately he had a few problems back at home so most the time he would spend his evenings at a fellow restaurant which was perfect for rats like him.

This restaurant was located in a fairly huge sewer which was quite easy to get to which is why he always went there as it made sense to go to a place nearby,  he was introduced to the owner who was very friendly, his name was Reggie and he had quite some stories to tell however, as he was about to speak he noticed a poor rat in need so he decided to invite him over to chat, this rat went by the name of Louie.

This is going to be though Remy's POV-
When me and Louie started to chat, and he told me his story I realized how much things we had in common, and I knew that we would immediately become friends.

As time passed, I started getting closer with Louie and it turns out we managed to get along as well as I thought we would and as much as I recall we must have been chatting for as long as I remember but all I know is that I hope that we can share as much happy memories like this together.

after hours we decided to end it there as it had been a long day and we should probably go home and get some rest, but just as I left it started to rain so I decided to try find some shelter for the night as it was starting to get too dark to see where to go, but just  as I was about to lay down I noticed a recognizable face, it was Louie!! he offered for me to stay with him as he lived really close, I was hesitant at first but I realized I wasn't left with much choice after all so I said yes.

Me and Louie managed to arrive just before it got too dark or cold outside, unfortunately Louie didn't have another bed as he wasn't expecting to have such company later on but I wasn't really bothered plus I appreciated that he let me stay anyway, after hours of tossing and turning it was finally morning, I decided to wait until Louie was awake so I could thank him properly he told me that he was just trying to do the right thing and since we immediately got on well with each other he knew he could trust me and felt that it wouldn't be right if he left me outside in the cold, I thanked him once again before I left so he knew how much I appreciated him and how much it meant to me.

I decided that I would go visit my brother and sister since it had been a while, my brother was quite happy so see me, his name was Roscuro, he is two months older than me but he likes to acts as if he's the oldest which we know is not true plus he's not mature enough to have that role, and my sister was happy to see me as well except she wasn't as bothered since she was more focused on trying to cook some food, my sister is 5 months older and her name is ultima, as much as I wanted to spend all day there I decided that I would meet up with Louie at the restaurant once again and get to know him more.

we decided to sit at the spot as last time and hope it would be our good luck charm for more good memories, we sat down and decided we would start of by taking  turns asking each other about our own lives, however it turns out that me and Louie have a lot of similarities which was a reason we knew we had to connect more, and once again after hours and hours of laughter and tears we immediately knew that we would become best of friends.

Louies POV-

After hours of meeting Remy, I knew that he was perfect, and it must've been fate how we met and our similarities, there was no one else who could compare to Remy and how he made me feel.

When we last spoke, I felt a spark and it left me feeling butterfly's that I've never felt before, what could this be and why all of a sudden is this feeling here, and does Remy feel the same...

The story of Remy and Louie <3حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن