The start of everything.

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Jordan and leah met when they went to arsenal they was mates for ages, they was roommates while they was away in Portugal playing the different teams, and they started to get along really well. When leah came out as bi Jordan knew she was catching feelings, but she knew she couldn't tell her yet. It was to soon. When they got back to England that's when they hung out 24/7 and they started to get really close...

One night they all went out as a football team cause they just won the league...everyone was getting pissed but Jordan kept drinking coke and water so she could protect leah if anything happened to her while they was out. Leah drank to much and passed out on one of the chairs so Jordan ran across the pub grabbed her and took her home so nothing happened, she put her into bed and went to walk out but she begged Jordan to stay and make her feel safe, Jordan knew this could be the time she could tell leah like in the morning so she layed in Leah's bed and leah started cuddling up to her so she just pretended to be asleep until the morning.

Early that morning leah woke up and saw Jordan sleeping and she saw that she had been cuddled up to Jordan all night she said to herself "oh shit what have I done please say nothing happened between us, j- in-fact I'll ask her in morning,when she wakes up she looks peaceful and she looks cute whiles she's sleeping Aha". Jordan woke up at 10 and leah was sat there looking worried Jordan looked at leah and said "is everything okay leah u look worried? If it's about last night and if we did anything we didn't don't worry" " thank god" leah whispered to herself "oh Jordan I need to talk to you later so meet me in the living room at tea time" Jordan agreed and went back to her room to get changed.

Jordan went out for the day with Beth and leah stayed in worrying about how she's going to tell Jordan that she likes her, she keeps thinking to herself, how am I going to tell her? What happens if she rejects me? Let's just see how it goes...

The clock strikes 8 and Jordan walks in, she sits down on the sofa and looks at leah who looks very scared. " so leah what did you want to talk about cause I'm hear to listen to you for whatever you want to say or talk about" " oh hey Jordan Urm so basically Urm this may seem kind of weird Jordan but I really like you and I was wondering if you would wanna go out? But you don't have to go out with me if you don't want and if you think it will ruin out friendship I completely understand" "leah chill out I really like you too and I would love to go out with you so calm down beautiful and come here" Jordan and leah hug for a minute and then Jordan kisses leah on the head.

Jordan makes tea for leah as she isn't feeling very well. Then they go up to bed as leah falls asleep in Jordan's arms and layed with her head on her chest, so she can hear her heartbeat which makes her feel safe

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