First day

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    You were frantically walking in the halls to your first class. The bell hadn't even rang yet, but you were so anxious about your first day at a new school in a new city.
    You had just moved to LA from
New York to attend UCLA. It's been very hard on you, as you just left behind your old home and old life and you're starting fresh at this new place. You were scared you may not make any new friends or find things you enjoy. And that is where this anxiety came from that is causing you to walk fast into the hallways, until...

You bumped into somebody. You were on the floor and your books had fallen around you. I'm such an embarrassment you thought. Then you looked at the person you bumped into. It was a beautiful girl with blonde hair, green eyes, and fair skin. "I'm so sorry! Let me help you!" She said. She helped you pick up your books and then gave them to you.
    "God, I'm sorry about that." You said. "I'm so clumsy."
    "No worries! Accidents happen." She said.
    "My name's Y/N."
     "I'm Ali. Nice to meet you!"
The two of you shook hands and smiled. She was so gorgeous. It's almost as if she were an angel. "I can walk with you. Come on!" She insisted. She was so sweet too.
"Are you new here?" Asked Ali.

"Yes. I just moved here from New York."

"Wow! That's awesome!"

"Yeah. It's been a little stressful but I'm warming up slowly."

"I'm sure everything will be okay. What class do you have first?" Ali asked.

"I have math." You said.

"No way! Me too! Let's go together."
    You were happy that you had someone as beautiful and sweet as Ali with you. Your pleasant conversation continued as you both walked to class. You could listen to Ali talk for hours. She was so lovely.
    The two of you arrived at your math class. Luckily, you sat next to each other. Ali guided you through everything and helped you out. You definitely had been blessed to have such a nice person like her helping you. Math wasn't exactly your strong suit, but you knew you had to do well to graduate. But it's okay. You got lucky today.
About 45 minutes later the bell rang. It was time to go to second class.
"What class do you have next, Y/N?" Asked Ali.
"I have literature." You said.
"Oh cool! I have that too!"
It turned out that you and Ali had all your classes together! The two of you were both English literature majors. You were very happy to be in your classes with her all day everyday.
Before you knew it the day came to an end.
"Well I'll see you tomorrow, Y/N! Wanna hang out tomorrow?" Ali said.
"Yes! I'd love to!" You two then exchanged numbers.
"Ok. Bye!" You said.
Today went better than you expected. Your anxiety was gone. And you may have a new little crush.

Ali Mills x Female!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now