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        You spent the whole week going to your classes, listening to professors talk, and spending time with Ali, of course. The whole week you had gotten the impression that she might have a bit of a crush on you like you have a crush on her. She would stare at you sometimes, always give you little compliments, and she would go out of here way all the time to talk to you and interact with you. She's so cute.
     It was Saturday. The day of you and Ali's nice beach date. It was currently 10 AM, so you had about two hours until you would start to head down to Santa Monica. You had an extremely cute bikini picked out too!

(This is your bikini)Two hours later you put a little black cover-up dress over your swimsuit

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(This is your bikini)
Two hours later you put a little black cover-up dress over your swimsuit. Ali got in her swimsuit too. She looked so sexy in it. You couldn't stop looking at her. She couldn't really stop looking at you either!
"Y/N, you look really pretty in your swimsuit!" Said Ali.
"Oh- thank you!" You answered. You were probably tomato red in your face. It was definitely noticeable. "You look really pretty in yours too!" You told Ali. She thanked you. She was blushing quite a bit too. Did she like you?
     You both grabbed your things for the day and you headed outside the dorms. You then went to Ali's car. She had a nice ride. You both went in the car. Ali turned on the radio. It was pop.
"What kind of music are you into?" She asked.
"A little bit of everything," you said. "I just love music."
"Awesome! Do you like this station?"
"I do!"
During your car ride you were just jamming out to the music and having fun like girls do. It was the best. You two even shared a few little stares at each other. It was a bit romantic. The car ride was only 21 minutes. However, you could be in a car with Ali all day. She was just so fun!
You arrived in Santa Monica. You were excited to finally be on the beach again. Last time you were on the beach was your going away party at the beach house. You were so grateful that Ali was taking you out today. You thought for a moment: Am I falling for her?

"Alright, let's head down to the sand." Said Ali.
You both headed down to the sand and laid out your blanket to sit on. You both then sat down. It was so sunny and warm, so nice. Hopefully you would get a bit of a tan today and not a sunburn. You put on your tanning oil. You put it on your arms, your legs, your chest, your back, and face. Your whole body was oily and hot looking. Ali then got some sunscreen lotion. She put it also on her arms, legs, and chest.
     "Hey, Y/N, can you put this on my back?" She asked.
     "Yea of course." You said.

      Ali lay on her back. You rubbed the sunscreen on your hands and then started putting it on her back. At first you were just gently touching it but then you started to massage her back without knowing it.
      "Ahhh.." Ali let out as you massaged her back. "Keep doing that." She said.
     You were shocked, not even knowing that you were massaging her until she said that. But you liked hearing those sounds and those words from her so you kept doing it.

     "Mmmm.." Ali went again.
       "Ok! You're good!" You told her, finishing up the sunscreen. "Let's go by the ocean!"
     You and Ali walked to the ocean. She grabbed your hand. You looked at her and smiled. You both then walked to the ocean. The feeling of the water washing up to your feet felt amazing. It brought back memories from your old home. Then you looked at Ali at your side. She was what you had been yearning for. She is the blessing that you had received when coming to Los Angeles. You realized that you were in love.

A few minutes passed.
"Come on! Let's go build sand castles." Said Ali, pulling you by your hand towards your sitting area. She grabbed a bucket and started putting sand into it and building. You did the same. You looked at Ali's blonde hair in the cool breeze. You were staring at her. "Y/N? Why you looking at me like that?" She said, giggling a little. You immediately went out of your zone. You looked at her again for a minute, and then pulled her into a kiss. You couldn't help it. It just happened. Your womanly instincts just made you kiss her.
    The kiss lasted about 5 seconds. Ali then just looked at you. Slowly, a smile formed on her face.
    "Y/N.... that was amazing, but... what was it for?" She asked.
    "I'm sorry, Ali. I just had to. Ever since I saw you on my first day at the campus, I've thought you were so beautiful. I loved your sweet personality. I loved your luscious blonde hair and your gorgeous green eyes. I'm in love with you, Ali. How... do you feel about it exactly?"
    It was silent for a moment. You were scared that Ali may not feel the same way or that you made her uncomfortable.
    Ali leaned in and kissed you again, but this time she gave passion. It lasted a few moments until she broke it and spoke. "I love you too. You're the most beautiful girl I've seen. You have such an amazing personality. I need you in my life." She said. You felt tears well up in your eyes. You both leaned in and kissed hard. Her tongue made its way into your mouth. It explored. Your day was complete. You were on an amazing beach date with Ali, and here you were now. Making out by the seaside.

Ali Mills x Female!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now