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Time passes by


100 Makers/Producers/Workers AND THE MAIN PRODUCER ARE SEATED


The host: Open the Box

The other Trainee's: WOW

"WA DA DA DA Song and Lyrics BY................"

Then, you/Team 8 start to perform the signal song for Team 8. While the other trainee's are seated behind the stage watching on a screen.

While you guys were performing

Jiwoo's Pov

"They were amazing. I'm sad I couldn't perform on stage."

Eunsoo's Pov

"I want Itsuki's Part."

Eunjoo's Pov

"I felt bad seeing them on stage. But it made me want it more."

Habin's Pov

"I don't want to feel this defeat."

Himari's Pov

"It was somewhat upsetting. So, I'll need to build more skills."

When, you guys finished performing 

Everyone started clapping

The host: The 1st Team 8 on YG Entertainments Show

The Host: Tanaka Itsuki

Everyone starts clapping

The host: Aina

Everyone Starts Clapping

The Host: Heejin

Everyone starts clapping

The Host: Akari

Everyone starts clapping

The Host: Ae-Cha

Everyone starts clapping

The Host: Ra-Bin

Everyone starts clapping

The Host: Hyunbin 

Everyone starts clapping

The host: Hayoon

Everyone starts clapping


The Host: Along with main producer, the judges for todays performances.

The Host: 100 Producers

Everyone starts clapping

The Host: The survival for a new girl group, specially invited 100 YG employees/Producers

The Host: Lets introduce some of the producers

Producer: Hello, I'm Kim Ryong Kyun From Artist Strategy Team

The Host: Nice to meet you, Who in Team 8 did you notice?

Kim Ryong Kyun: Itsuki, Way to go

You bowed

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