Chapter 35

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"What do you mean she's your mother?" I asked Shahae.

It took several minutes before she could respond. "It is a long and complicated story."

"We've got time," I said as I placed my hands on the table.

Shahae took a deep breath before continuing. "To fully understand what I'm about to tell you, I'll need to relate some of our recent history. Narrisal has been ruled by a king and queen for as long as anyone can remember, and as I have explained before, heirs are not selected until late in the life of the current ruler. Shaniir's parents were unable to have children. Our best doctors couldn't explain it, but a miracle happened late in their lives and Shaniir was born. Shaniir was their only child and, contrary to custom, was selected as their heir. Shortly after they died, a husband was selected for her. The Tuleeriri do not normally take part in arranged marriages, but this is one exception. The man chosen as her husband came from a greedy and power-hungry family. His name was Frymaer, and from what little I was told, Frymaer and Shaniir disliked each other immensely. Unknown to anyone, Shaniir had a secret father. He was a well-respected admiral in the Tuleeririan fleet."

"Their affair lasted a very long time, and eventually, a child was conceived. After the queen found out she was pregnant, she told everyone that the child was Frymaer's. She knew the ruse would last throughout the pregnancy but required medical tests after birth would have revealed the true father of the child. A plan was set into motion to convince the world that the child died shortly after birth. The doctor who delivered me was my mother's trusted friend, and he switched me for a genetic clone that was grown to take my place. My mother in her "grief" had the body burned immediately and the ashes placed in the family crypt. My mother wanted the best for me, so she talked my father into adopting me. Four people knew the truth, and of those four people, only my mother and I still live."

"As much as I want to believe you, the only way I can prove what you say is true is to ask the queen," I replied. "I will not harm you, but if I find that you have been lying, you will not be able to imagine the pain I will cause to you." Her eyes were closed, and tears streamed down her face. I grabbed the device and left before I lost my resolve. I left the device under the watchful eyes of the marines guarding the doors and went to my quarters.

I lay down on my bed knowing I wouldn't be able to sleep with the guilt of what I had done to Shahae and Zalix weighing heavily on me. Frustrated, I stood and started pacing like a caged animal. I was so focused on my inner turmoil, that I almost didn't hear the light knock on my door. I wrenched the door open and saw a startled woman staring back at me. I immediately recognize the green eyes and red hair. "What can I do for you Ensign Lisa Byrne?"

"You remembered this time," she joked. Her smile quickly faded when I didn't react. "May I come in?"

I sighed and stepped aside so she could enter. "What do you want?" I asked a little too harshly.

She didn't seem fazed by my abruptness. She smiled and said, "We haven't really had a chance to talk, so I thought I would drop by and see how you are doing."

I shook my head and replied. "So, what you're really saying is that the crew is worried I might be losing it and Andrew sent you to check on me. That about sums it up, right?"

She laughed. "I told him you would see right through me." Her face grew serious. "They're worried about you...I'm worried about you. You have got us out of some rough spots. You put your crew's lives before your own. I've even heard some of the marines talk about the way you fought alongside them. Your ship...your crew...your friends need you. I'm not privileged to know exactly what is going on, but from what I heard you left the ship to go on a suicidal mission."

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