You Feeling Lucky? (New)

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The ship arrived at the island the next day. The guards instructed the contents to make their way up to Pegasus' castle. All the way up many flights of stairs. The more Shion looked at it, the more they started to think it was far too big for just one person.

By the time they got to the castle, Shion was somewhat tired from the walking but straightened up when they spotted a familiar face on the balcony.

Shion couldn't say the guy had changed much. Sure he had aged a little in the years since they had last seen him, but he still had the same confident energy about him. The man stared down at them with a smirk on his face. "Greetings, duelists! I am Maximillion Pegasus!"

Shion took a deep breath. Ready to hear more about this tournament.

"It is my great honour and pleasure to welcome you all to the Duelist Kingdom," Pegasus continued. "You stand before me, the world's great duelists!"

Pegasus went on to explain the rules of the competition. Saying they need to build their decks with care and that the only way to reach the finals to face off against him was to collect 10-star chips via defeating opponents in a duel.

As Pegasus explained this, Shion placed the duelling glove on their hand. Flexing it to make sure that it fits on their hand correctly.

"This will be a torment, unlike anything you've ever experienced!" Pegasus exclaimed proudly. "State-of-the-art duelling arenas cover this entire island, and intriguing new duelling rules will be in effect. Of course, I could tell you what these new rules are, but where would be the fun in that?"

Pegasus continued with his speech. He finished by telling them they would have one hour to prepare then the duelling would begin.

"What are you up to, Pegasus?" Shion thought as Pegasus made his back inside his castle.

It didn't take Shion very long to get ready. They had their cards all sorted the night before. So Shion ended up just wandering around the grounds for most of the hour.

"I wonder who we'll face off against?" Shion said as they tired blades of grass into knots.

Ghost let out a huff. "I hope we can take care of Weevil early. That guy needs to be taught some matters."

"Can't say I disagree," Shion smiled. "Although, I wouldn't mind facing off against that Yugi Muto."

The teen's mind flashed back to the night before. Meeting Muto and spotting the pendant that reminded Shion of their millennium band. They wondered if it was the real deal or maybe a very convincing replica.

Shion pulled back the sleeve of their jacket. Admiring the golden eye carved into it.

"There's no way," Shion chuckled. "But what if?"

Before they thought about it any further, more fireworks started going off, indicating that the tournament had officially begun.

Shion started wandering around the island. They weren't quite sure where to start. They wondered if they should look for Weevil, but they hadn't seen him around.

"Maybe he's hiding out in the woods," Shion thought.

They started making their way up a hill to the nearby woods. Only to find a duel stage at the top of the hill. A group had formed next to it. They gathered around two teen boys. One of which was laughing smugly.

"I told you no one can beat my luck!" The red-haired teen shouted.

"You had to have cheated somehow!" The other yelled. "No one can land heads that many times!"

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