arguments- N.H

971 7 6

Warnings: arguing, Nate accidentally hitting y/n, and cussing.
This was just a request i am still trying to get ideas lol

Y/ns pov

Me and Sam were sitting in the recording studio trying to find out a good place to go ghost hunting next. "I mean we could go back to the Winchester house." i said think of an idea. " No that was kinda boring ".Sam said looking at me. "Oooh we could always go back to the conj-" i was cut off by Sam "don't even say it. We hated that house and u still have marks so absolutely not." Sam said to me. "Whatever" i said rolling my eyes. *Ring ring* my phone started ringing as somebody was calling me. *My love<3 is calling* "one sec nates calling me " i awnser the phone "hel-" he cut me off by yelling "Y/N
WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU AT THIS TIME?! ITS 12:00 AM GET HOME." he hung up." Bye Sammy I got to go home..Nate was worried." I said hugging my brother" "okay love you" he said as he gave me a kiss on my forehead. " Love you too " i said walking out of Sam's apartment. I got into my car and started driving home. I didn't live far maybe 7 minuets away from Sam's. As soon as I walk in the door i see a VERY angry Nate. " Hey baby" i said going up to kiss him. As i pull in he moves away from me. " You okay babe?" "Were u cheating on me?" He said slightly having his voice raised. " What?! No Nate, baby i could never " i said to him looking into his beautiful eyes. "I can smell his cologne on u y/n. So stop fucking lying and tell me the truth" he said pinning me on a wall.."i swear i didn't cheat it's Sam's from when I hugged him. I swear baby." I said telling him the truth. "STOP FUCKING LYING TO ME BITCH " he said raising his hand at me and slapping me upside my head really hard. I just looked at him in shock that he hit me.. ( i turned to look at him and i go, i say Johnny you just hit me. No?.okay ill shut up.)
"I- i swear i didn't mean too." He said staring at me wondering why he slapped me. "It's- it's fine it didn't hurt" i lied through my teeth. It hurt. But he looked hurt after it. I know he didn't mean to do it purposely, right?. " I'm so sorry baby, i didn't mean too " he said crying into my chest. " Baby i said it's fine it doesn't hurt." I said moving him to lay down with me in the bed.

I awoken from my slumber to a huge man on top of me. Nate. I thought to myself. I tried to get up but he kept on punching me back down. " Nate i need to get up. I have to help Sam he needs it." 'noo" he said groaning as i got up. He stayed in bed going back to bed. I went to the backroom and i seen a little bruise forming on my head it wasn't major or anything it was just a little bit puffy. And it hurt. Not as much but it still hurt.
Nate can't know i thought. I took a shower and got ready for my long long day at Sam's.
Evening comes and my head hurts a lot but it's okay I'll survive. I don't think it's anything major.

Give me ideas for part 2!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2022 ⏰

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