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••Willow's pov•••


"I'm trying! I'm trying!" I hissed as my twin brother, the King, Wisp pushed me towards the window.

Our kingdom, falling apart. Our citizens, pounding at the locked door with swords and other weapons in hand.

I, Willow the Queen and Wisp, The King, we're dealing with a revolution.

The people were done with us being such a malevolent Queen and King. But they didn't know it was all me.

Wisp was kind, I was not...

Wisp was kind and respectful with the people, taking suggestions and making up laws. I was rude and callous, ignoring the people's requests and ruling with an iron fist.
Wisp tried to get me to calm down, but I wouldn't budge.

My awfulness has now come back to bite us.

"Come on, We gotta go!" Wisp cried, forcing the locked window open. We were on the 4th floor of the tower, if we weren't careful, we'd be seriously hurt.

The window overlooked the ocean, a small river connecting the base of the ocean with the foot of the tower. If you jumped, you'd get carried off to sea.

The pounding on the wooden door of our tower intensified, pounding and pounding, trying to break the door and kill us.

We weren't at the age of immortality yet, we were only 928 years old, in human years, we were a meer 14 years old.

The door splintered, bits of wood scattered around the door. The door wasn't going to hold up much longer, we had to get out.

"Go!" Wisp pushed me out of the open window as the revolting masses broke through the door.

As I fell for the window, they broke in.

Then, it happened..

Wisp's body fell limp against the windowsill, being shot in the head by one of the revolting citizens.

The last thing I saw was a guard carrying my brother's body away from the window before my body hit the water.
The story gets good now! Trust the process!

•••336 words••

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