Chapter 1

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( chapter not finished, it's just here to help get the creative vices going)

(Y/N) pov, home, 11th birthday

Mom: Happy birthday dear. "Hugs (Y/N)"

(Y/N): Thanks, mom. "Returns hug"

As I looked around the table I saw my relatives all smiling at me. Growing up I never had any friends, the few kids I talked two always wanted to play with there blooms and training wands that I can't use with the exception of the broom but I would always transfer too much magic into it cousing it to begin cracking or go to fast and looks control.

So having only adults at a kid's birthday party wasn't exactly fun. Past year's I would usually just stay in my room reading till mom called me down. This year wasn't any different, but what I did find strange were the number of owls that were hanging around my home.

After blowing out the candles on my cake and opening all the presents an owl flew in through an open window and walked over to me. It had a letter in it's mouth, it then dropped it in front of me then flew off. I slowly picked up the letter and opened it.

(Y/N): Dear (Y/N), We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on September 1. "Loops at mom with a confused expression on face" Mom, what's Hogwarts?

Mom: Its a wonderful school where the best wizards & witches go to learn. And you got accepted my precious little baby! "Pulls (Y/N) into a tight hug" your father would be so proud if he were still here! "Tears up slightly"

After mom finally placed me back on the floor she took the letter and began looking it over long with the other adults.

I decided to go back to my room while they all looked at the later. After all, I'm not sure how much this school could teach me since I can't use magic in the traditional sense so what was I going to do in a school that taught magic?

Time skip, Diagon Alley

Mom and I were walking down the streets of Diagon Alley. We had just left Gringotts. Apparently mom and dad were keeping all the money they saved as well as made from selling bits of my handiwork to the ministry. Everything was going smoothly till we entered a bookstore. I decided to wonder away from mom and began looking around at the various books that covered the walls. As I walked passed a large stack of books I accidentally bumped into someone.

(Y/N): Oh, sorry about that.

The person I bumped into quickly turned around with an angry look on there face. She had brown hair with an orange stripe/puff (I have no idea what it's called) lightly tan skin & two violet eyes. She was glaring daggers at me for a moment then poke.

????: Watch were your going!

(Y/N): Sorry for bumping into you... "Looks down with a sad expression"

????: Look at the mess you made! My books are all on the ground now, start picking them up otherwise your going to be in a lot of trouble.

I looked at the angry girl for a moment then slowly bent down and began picking up the fallen books. I didnt notice any books fall when I bumped into her but whatever. Once the books were all picked up I handed them back to the girl who quickly took them from me.

????: If you ever do that again I will turn you into a fish and grill you for lunch.

With that threat said the girl left leaving me rather confused and alone. I decided it would be best to stay with mom from the rest of the time we were in the store so I turned around and walked back down the stares and over to mom who was already paying for the books.

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