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We're Just Children


To Casey, summer can be a fun affair or a dreadful one that leaves her cursing the Malfoy name.

Severus Snape and Lucius Malfoy had met in latish nineteen seventy-eight, during the uprising of Lord Voldemort where they were both supporters and just about right-hand men to the Dark Lord. With equal interest and both as main supporters, they became, what grown men called 'friends', acquaintances, and even after the downfall of Lord Voldemort, they remained acquaintances. In late nineteen seventy-nine, when Severus was handed a crying baby-girl who had his black hair, dark eyes and pale complexion but was lucky enough to gain some of her mother's- who must not be mentioned- beauty of a celestial nose, beautifully thick eyelashes and cupid's bow lips, Lucius had Godfathered the girl. In early summer of nineteen eighty, when Draco was born, Severus had Godfathered him.

Because of this, Draco and Casey were bound to spend every summer with each other from the age of one until most likely their dying days or perhaps their father's. Hence why Casey was at the Malfoy Manor, the summer of nineteen eighty-nine, laying in the field staring up at the sky.

"What you doing?" Draco asked, approaching Casey and staring down at her, blocking the sun from her gaze.

"Laying down." She quipped with sarcasm, making him scoff.

"I meant why?" He said, annoyance staining his voice as he dropped to sit beside her.

"Oh, I'm just simply waiting for death to finally arrive." She said, extending her arms to the sky.

Draco laid down beside her, also staring up at the sky where Casey was just pointing. They laid in silence, both simply staring at the blue sky that lacked clouds, the blaring sun burning their skins and the heat just being bearable. They kept to themselves, almost like they weren't laying together but just laying near each other.

"We just going to waste the summer and lay here?" Casey asked, tilting her head to 

He turned his head to face her, expression blank. "Would be better if you didn't speak." He said, making her roll her eyes.

"Charming." She grumbled, turning her head to face the sky again.

"Thanks, darling, appreciate it." He smirked at her, making her scoff.

"This is the eighth summer we've spent together." She said softly, turning her head to face him again. "You think they're up to something?" She asked, sitting up and gesturing to the manor where their fathers would be.

"Oh, definitely." Draco said, sitting up himself. "Might want us to get married." He smirk, making Casey grimace.

"Oh, you're gross, you are." She said, shoving him away.

"Don't act like you don't have some crush on me." He said, standing up. "Besides, there's plenty girls out there that my father would find to be a better option." He said, brushing the grass off his trousers and straightening himself out.

"Merlin, Draco, you really know how to flatter a girl." Casey said, dropping back down to lay and stare up at the sky.

"Knew you had a crush on me." He winked, making her roll her eyes.

"Bugger off, like I'd have any interest in you." She said, sitting up again to face him properly.

"Yeah, whatever." He laughed, shaking his head. "Enjoy the grass, you might find a house elf go by who you can marry." He said, heading back into the manor.

"You're a right dickhead, you are." She said, getting up off the grass, making him stop and turn around to face her.

"Oh, it that so, Cassandra?" He asked, approaching her with a head tilt.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2022 ⏰

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