Chapter One: The Party

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A/N: Unedited

{Amber's POV}

It's just a party right? I had gone to many parties in my time at high school, but I guess this one was different.

I drove up to the house with my boyfriend, Logan, and my best friend, Zena. When we were little Zena and I used to call each other the A to Z besties, cringe I know. I had gone to many parties in high school but this was the first one of my Junior year. I saw only a few people I knew at this party and a lot of people I didn't know. This was the first party I had gone to that I only knew my boyfriend, my best friend and a couple more people. That didn't mean I wasn't going to have fun.

Not by a long shot.


It didn't take long after we arrived for me to get drunk and by drunk I mean dead drunk. Usually I am the talk of the party quickly and most every boy, or girl, wants to make out with me. I mean come on what's not to like, I'm pretty, I'm charming, I'm fun, and I get drunk very easily.

"Oh, come on," I said to a group of teens. They were sitting in a circle around a glass beer bottle. "Spin the bottle really?"

"You got a problem with that?" one of the boys asked.

"Yeah, why spin the bottle when you can just kiss!" I grabbed Logan and smashed my lips against his. He passionately kissed me back, his mouth opening and my tongue exploring his. When I pulled away the group of kids were already talking and kissing each other. Girls were sitting on boys' laps or wrapping their legs around the boys' waists. Some girls were kissing other girls and same with some of the boys.

"Well you can't just do that," Zena called, "it's not fair, that's your boyfriend."

"Well I can help out with that," a voice said behind me and spun me around crashing his lips against mine, immediately forcing my mouth open and demanding dominance. I forced back and pushed him away from me. I was drunk but not dumb. Logan pushed the guy away from me and Zena grabbed me.

"S-s-stop," I said, stumbling forward.

"Stay back Amber," Logan turned to me before getting punched in the face.

"Logan!" I called, "S-stop! Please stop!"

Zena pulled me back and muttered something about drinks and upstairs but I couldn't hear her. Half because I was drunk and half because the music was so loud.

She unwillingly dragged me up the stairs, "No, please." I said, pathetically as she did so.

Zena and I continued to get drunk and party. I could hardly see and my vision was blurred by the time I stumbled my way to find Logan. I wandered around, drunkenly calling out to both Logan and Zena. Then a strong hand wrapped around my waist and another snaked up my body towards my chest.

"Mmm, Logan." I said.

The figure turned me around and pushed his lips at mine. Something was different about these lips but I was too deep and drunk to care. The last thing I could feel was him pushing me onto some soft surface before I blacked out.


"Amber! Amber! Come on, wake up! Amber," A familiar voice called. I felt strong hands holding my face and shaking my body.

"Logan?" I opened my eyes to see him above me, "Where am I?"

"You're laying on some bed and we're at the party. Look, we have to go," He picked me up bridal style and I felt him carry me down stairs and out the party. He set me in the back seat of his car while he and Zena got in the front and passenger seat.

I fell asleep in the backseat and when I woke up Logan was picking me up from the backseat of his car and carrying me bridal style around the back of my house. He carried me up the fire escape onto the roof of my back porch. Logan opened the window to my room and climbed inside like we had done hundreds of times before. I felt him setting me down on my bed and tucking me into bed like a child. I groaned but let him tuck me in.

"I'll come get you in the morning for school," He said, knowing I wasn't listening and heading towards my window.

"Love you," I said sleepily, before he left.

"I love you too," he said sweetly and walked back over to me, "And nothing can change that,"

That was the last thing I heard him say before I fell asleep.

                                                                {770 words}

                                                         {Updated: 8-28-22}

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