{Jensoo} - finding out that you're a club fighter (requested)

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"Where do you think she is? Shouldn't she be home by now? It's getting late." Jennie said as she paced around the room while Jisoo continued to look up from her phone to look out the window and then back at her phone again.

They have no idea where you're at.

It's nearing midnight and you said when you left a few hours ago that you wouldn't be gone long.

Yet, it's been hours and there's still no sign of you.

"Should I call her again?" Jisoo asked as she anxiously chewed at her fingernails.

"Doesn't it keep going to voicemail?" Jennie asked and Jisoo nodded wordlessly.

"Should we call the cops or something?" Jisoo asked as Jennie continued to pace. "All of her friends say that they have no idea where she could be. This doesn't make any sense. I'm getting scared, Jennie."

Jennie ran over to Jisoo, hugging her tightly as they both tried to rid the worst thoughts from their brains.

And just as Jennie pulled away to speak to Jisoo about what she thought they should do next, the front door opened and closed.

"Is that Y/N? Is she home?" Jennie asked as she and Jisoo got up.

"Y/N? Y/N!" Jisoo said as she and Jennie ran into the other room.

They found you on the first step of the staircase.

You'd been trying to hurry up to the bedroom before they'd catch you but you hadn't been fast enough.

To their horror, they saw that your knuckles were bloody and they immediately panicked.

"What happened to you? Did someone hurt you?" Jennie asked as she ran to your side, gently grabbing your hands in hers.

"I'll get something to clean your knuckles with," Jisoo said as she hurried over to one of the drawers in the kitchen, where one of the first aid kits in your shared home is located.

"Tell us what happened," Jennie said as she guided you to the table.

Jisoo knelt on the floor in front of you, pulling a few things out to take care of you as Jennie sat on a chair, pulling it up right beside you.

"Were you hurt by a fan?" Jennie asked.

You winced as Jisoo poured some of the disinfectants on your knuckles, wiping the blood away.

"Y/N, please tell us." Jisoo pleaded.

"I don't want to." You mumbled.

"Why not?" Jennie quietly asked in response. "Y/N, you're scaring us. Please tell us what happened."

You finally looked into their eyes and saw just how scared and worried your girlfriends were as they cared for you and comforted you.

"I'm a club fighter."

Jisoo and Jennie looked a little puzzled as they stared at you and then at each other and then back at you.

"A what?" Jisoo asked.

"A club fighter. It's like boxing professionally but locally and not as impressively as the famous boxers you're thinking of. I wouldn't be known across the world for boxing but around here, I have a little bit of success with it."

"And how long has this been going on for?" Jennie asked.

"I don't know. I lost track of time."

"You can't keep doing it," Jisoo said. "If this is because it helps you bring in money, we can take care of you and you won't have to do it anymore."

"What?" You asked. "Why should I not get to do this anymore? You get to do what you like."

"Yeah but you're hurt! Look at your knuckles! You're bleeding!" Jisoo said as she looked at Jennie.

"It's not just my blood." You said.

"That's comforting. We feel much better about it now. Thanks, Y/N." Jennie sarcastically spoke.

"Look, I'm not a child. I like what I do and I don't do it just for the money. I want to do better than this, bigger than this someday. But for right now, I want to get better with it. I like boxing! I like knowing that I'm strong enough to handle myself."

Your girlfriends sighed and stared at the floor.

"Please don't be mad at me." You pleaded.

"We're not mad. We're scared." Jennie said. "We don't want you to get hurt."

"That's part of it."

"Seriously hurt, Y/N," Jisoo said. "We don't want to lose you because you make a mistake or you get injured badly enough from boxing. That scares us."

"My girls," You sighed. "I promise, I know what I'm doing. I haven't lost in quite some time and I haven't been hurt very badly."

"Yet." Jennie quietly said.

"You have to trust me." You told them as you carefully grabbed their hands in yours. "I know what I'm doing and I like what I'm doing. I need you to believe in me and trust me. If I feel like something isn't right or I'm in over my head, I'll take a step back. But I can do this. I'm tough enough."

"We know you are," Jennie said as she put her head on Jisoo's shoulder.

"We just don't want you to get hurt. That's all." Jisoo said, her voice cracking tearfully.

"I know but I'm okay. I know how to get back up when I fall. I promise I can do this. If I feel like I can't, I'll stop."

They sighed as they gazed at each other wordlessly for a second before nodding.

"Okay. We believe in you. Just be careful, please." Jisoo begged.

"We love you lots."

"I love you both too." You said before kissing Jennie and then Jisoo softly and romantically.

"Let's get you cleaned up the rest of the way and then we can cuddle and you can tell us all about your fight tonight."

"I'd like that." You said before hugging them tightly.

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