{Lisoo} - you're sick and stubborn (requested)

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"Baby?" You heard Jisoo whisper in your ear. "Y/N, wake up."

You groaned as you opened your eyes, feeling sick to your stomach instantly.

"Lisa just got back from the store," Jisoo said and you looked at Lisa with heavy eyes.

"I got you some juice, more soup, a couple of new fluffy blankets, and some more medicine."

"Thank you." You mumbled as you closed your eyes and started to drift back off to sleep.

"That's why we woke you up, baby. It's time for you to take some more medicine." Jisoo said.

"No." You whined before rolling over, only to shiver as the blanket slipped off your shoulders.

"You have to keep taking this medicine, baby. It's helping your fever." Lisa said as she handed the medicine to Jisoo.

Pulling the new blankets she got you out of the bag, she removed the tags before covering you up with them.

They were long, going from your shoulders to your toes and they were so warm and fluffy that it helped you warm up quickly.

You felt Lisa's hand gently fall against your forehead and she frowned at Jisoo when she felt your feverish skin against her fingertips.

"You have to take your medicine, my love. Your fever is back since your medicine has worn off and it's pretty bad." Lisa softly spoke.

"Please don't fight us on this." Jisoo worriedly pleaded.

But you hated the taste of the medicine and shook your head stubbornly.

"Stop being stubborn, Y/N!" Jisoo frustratedly said. "We're worried about you. You have to take it."

"It tastes so bad though."

"Take it or I'll have Lisa hold your mouth open while I pour it down your throat," Jisoo warned, almost like mothers do to their sick children.

Lisa chuckled and though you didn't have the energy to do the same, you wanted to because it's sweet how much she and Lisa care.

"Do you want some soup after your medicine?" Lisa asked.

"I'm not hungry."

"You have to eat something. You haven't eaten all day and it's already seven pm."

"I know. I will later, I promise."

"Fine. At least take your medicine." Jisoo said with a sigh.

You hesitated because you dreaded tasting the gross medicine again, despising how the disgusting flavor tends to linger on your tongue even after you swallow it.

"Stop being stubborn and take the medicine or we won't cuddle you."  Jisoo threatened with a little smirk, knowing that was bound to get you to take it.

And this time, you knew she was serious.

You heard it in her voice and then when you turned your head, you saw it in her eyes.

You rolled onto your back and pouted at your girlfriends.

"You're mean." You grumbled and parted your lips so Jisoo could put the cap of liquid medicine up to your lips.

You swallowed it all as fast as you could in hopes that you wouldn't taste it as bad but it hit you a few seconds later, making you scrunch your nose in disgust.

Lisa and Jisoo laughed at your adorable expression.

"That wasn't very nice." You told Jisoo.

"I'm sorry, darling. I just had to get you to take it somehow." She said before kissing your forehead. "Forgive me?"

"Fine. If you'll cuddle me. I'm sleepy and I can't get to sleep if neither of you are holding me."

"Well, you did take your medicine. So I guess that's fair." Lisa smiled before she and Jisoo laid down beside you.

"Sorry for being so stubborn." You mumbled tiredly, making them chuckle.

"It's fine. We're used to it." Lisa joked.

"Though it is worse when you're sick." Jisoo teased. "But it's alright. We can take it. We love you."

"I love you both too." You said as you fell asleep, warmer and content with them so close to you.

They hoped the medicine would keep helping bring your fever down and that, soon, you'd feel better.

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