Chapter 3 A Deal Gone Wrong

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The Darko family end up staying in a hotel for a couple of days while they got their home repaired.

A couple days later Anna runs into Ricky Danforth while walking home from 711. One of the last people she wanted to run into outside of school.

Although they go to school together she got to know him from buying weed from him over the summer.

Once a week after her shift he would meet her outside and she would buy enough to last her for a few days.

At one point he started to offer to walk her home after their deal since it was pretty dark outside.

She always heard both him and his friend Seth Delvin were bad news. But she thought Ricky was nice.

He would always make jokes just to hear her laugh. Sometimes they would hang out in the back corner of her back yard late at night and smoke together. Under the shady tree where nobody is able to see them.

At one point she started to wonder if he was into her. Although he was friendly, he would also brag about the girls he has been with in the past. Little did she know he was blatantly lying. The mixed signals confused Anna.

Then one night while they were smoking in her backyard, Ricky placed his hand on her leg and left it there. Before she had time to think about what he did he began to kiss her. Although she did not mind him making a move on her, she was surprised.

After that happened, Ricky always seemed to be around to walk her home after work.

Over time he wanted to go further to which she happily obliged.

Maybe because it was the 1980's and things were different back then. Maybe it's because she was raised Catholic. Anna did not want to seem too openly eager with her physical encounters with Ricky. Although it was something she secretly looked forward to.

"You know you don't have to touch me there to get me to buy weed from you, Ricky." Anna said while smirking at him in the dark

"Maybe so, but I like to keep a loyal customer anyway I can."

They both quietly laugh while laying in the grass.

"Ricky, if you'd like we can hang out during the daytime too. You don't have to be Batman and only see me at night."

"What, like go on dates like boyfriend and girlfriend?" The tone in his voice made her question everything

"You don't want me to be your girlfriend do you?"

"No. I mean yes. What I'm trying to say is yes. I'll be your boyfriend. I'm just surprised you want to be seen out in public with me."

"Why wouldn't I want to be seen out in public with you?"

"We'll, look at you. Your Anna Boyle. The responsible, smart, serious girl. You look like Daphne but have the personality of Velma from Scooby Doo."

"Gee thanks Ricky, that really helps."

"Okay I'm fucking up my words again. Velma is hot because she is smart. And you surprised me by wanting to even smoke weed in the first place. What made you want to start?"

"Between having to get good grades and dealing with my family, I can't relax. I'm supposed to be everything to everyone. Straight A student, unpaid nanny to all of my siblings, and my moms personal therapist. I need something to chill me out. I need something that is only for me."

Before Anna and Ricky could go on their first date, his best friend and partner in crime Seth Delvin came home.  He spent the summer at his parents beach house in the Outer Banks.

Anna was working her last shift at the ice cream shop before it closed down for the season. She was getting ready to leave when she noticed that both Ricky and Seth were waiting for her.

Seeing Seth in particular made her stomach drop. She had a bad feeling and she didn't know exactly why.

"Hey Anna. You know Seth. Hope you don't mind if he walks with us to your house tonight."

All three arrive to Anna's house and she says her goodbyes to both of them.

Normally around 1:30am Anna would meet Ricky outside. Tonight she was greeted by both of them. She tried to play it cool but she still had that bad feeling gnawing in her gut.

While all three of them start to smoke, Seth starts to ask questions.

"So how is my boy Ricky treating you?"

Anna softly giggles and says, "He's good. Always a gentleman."

"That's not what I hear." Seth says abruptly

Anna's blood runs cold.

She tries to look at Ricky as best as she can in the dark but his head is turned away.

"You know Anna, most girls in our high school are uptight. But I hear the most uptight one of all is secretly a dirty slut."

"The fuck Seth? Ricky what did you tell him?"

"Listen you and Ricky can be boyfriend and girlfriend. All of that romantic shit. But Ricky and myself decided I should be able to have a piece of you too. It's only fair. After all, I supplied him with all the weed he sold for me this whole summer. I also found out he was giving you extra because he had the hots for you. So he owes me."

"Ricky, what is going on? Look at me!"

"Ricky told me all of the dirty shit you did the last couple of months. Come on, it's no big deal. I just want you to do the stuff you did with Ricky but with me." Anna hears the sound of his pants zipper going down

As Anna was about to get up and walk away, Seth grabs her wrist and yanks her over to him. He kissed her while trying to grab at any body parts he can reach. It was so repulsive. The slime ball was so desperate. And Ricky was even worse. He was not stopping him. He was just sitting on the ground with his head still turned away from her.

How can he let his friend take advantage of somebody who was supposed to be his girlfriend?

Anna finally breaks away from his mouth and begins to talk.

"You better let me go. I won't fucking hesitate to scream."

Seth thought Anna was bluffing. He even laughed while trying to slide his hand down her sleep shorts.

Anna let out a loud, blood curdling scream.

Both Seth and Ricky ran out of the yard as fast as their legs would allow them.

Somehow only Maeve woke up from the scream. When Anna bumped into her in the kitchen she told her that she ran into a raccoon while taking out the garbage.

As Anna left 711 she turned the corner to head home. She saw Ricky standing there, waiting for her. She stopped in her tracks.

She notices that Ricky is by himself but she still feel unsafe. Ricky was once somebody she felt safe walking with at nighttime but now is terrified to be near him during the day.

Ricky walks up to Anna. As he does she takes a couple steps back.

"Anna. Can we talk?"

"Absolutely not. Your silence that night said enough."

"I wanted to be your boyfriend and I let Seth ruin it."

"Oh so it's only Seth's fault? You ignored me when that creep groped me and slobbered all over my face. I thought I was going to get raped while you turned your back to me."

"Can we please start over? I promise he won't bother you again."

"No. I don't trust you anymore. Get the hell away from me."

She threw her slurpee in his direction after running most of the way home.

Her face was hot and wet from a mixture of sweat and tears. Between running and crying, she was a mess.

Once she reaches to her house she looks across the street and notices The Darkos are back. She sees their cars in the driveway.

Anna wants to talk to Donnie about what happened to his house and her dream but is unsure how to bring it up to him.

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