❤️💀 Unintentional Day Off Together 💀❤️

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Beelzebub x FemReader

Porn with Plot, Demon Form Beelzebub, Sexting, Masturbation, Body Worship, Cute Ending

Summary: A day home from school while you're sick quickly morphs into something you didn't quite expect. Having a fever that slightly alters your state of mind turns out to be rather exciting with Beel.


After trying to mask your coughs for the fifth time during breakfast, the brothers were all noticeably staring at you. "Uhh, I'm fine guys," you shyly said while attempting to drink water without another cough interrupting.

"You're most definitely not fine," Lucifer said with concern. He removed his glove and felt your forehead with the back of his hand, then shook his head. "You should stay home today."


Your protest was cut short by Belphie as he said, "You really should stay home." He felt completely guilty for keeping you up so late, but his twin felt even more guilty. Sure, you agreed to stargaze with them, but you wound up staying up way too late and probably got too cold.

Beel was the one who really wanted you to stay. He just didn't want to have to say goodnight to you. And he knew you'd been pushing yourself way too hard with studying, but he gave into the feeling of you by his side and quite honestly lost track of time.

His brows were furrowed and his plate remained surprisingly untouched as he watched you, wishing he could instantly make you feel better. You were clearly congested and had a fever, something demons rarely had to deal with.

You knew you were sick and inevitably gave into staying home, mostly out of not wanting to get others sick. Once the brothers left the house, you felt a bit eerie spending your first time completely alone in the typically busy house. Your fever wasn't helpful at all with determining what you wanted to do. All you could think of was last night, sprawled out on a blanket between Beel and Belphie, learning about Devildom's constellations from the younger twin while the older one kept stealing glances at you.

Beel found himself smiling in class with the thought, remembering the way the moonlight reflected on your skin so beautifully. He wanted so badly to hold your hand, to let you know just how much you meant to him, but the most he could muster was placing his hand right next to yours.

He decided to do something he never did, text during class. Luckily he was always in the back row, closest to the exit and thus closest to his locker full of snacks. But just to be extra careful, he placed a book at the edge of the desk to conceal his phone in his lap.

You opened your eyes as you heard your phone go off, your heart lightly flittering as you saw who the text was from.

"How are you feeling?"

You smiled at the thought of Beel taking time to text you. "Good, though a bit lonely to be honest," you responded.

Beel gave a soft sigh, wishing more than anything he could be there for you. "I'm sorry you have to be all by yourself."

You weren't sure if it was the fever or what, but you typed out without even thinking, "I'd love for you to be here by me."

Beel's cheeks turned pink as he read your message, a slight smile on his face. As he was typing a response, his cheeks reddened even more as he read another text that came in from you:

"In my bed."

Before he could even erase his unsent message to think of a new response, his eyes widened as he saw the picture you sent him. You cuddled up on your side with a pouty expression, giving him the perspective as if he were laying right beside you looking into your eyes. His mouth slightly opened as his eyes migrated down to your deep v-neck shirt, allowing your cleavage to be so perfectly displayed at this angle.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2022 ⏰

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