Second part!

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Yamaguchi POV


I watch as he heads toward me, his eyes pointed down at the ground.. god I admire him too much.. I get up as We both hear the sound of crackling leaves as he walks toward me and I get up off the bench.

He walks past me in a daze.. he looks as if he's lost in another reality but even so he doesn't even look bad , he never does. His face looks as soft as a newborns and his jawline is sharper and defined with a perfect complexion.

Out of nowhere while I'm lost in my own reality, I feel a slender, warm, soft touch to my hand and it snaps me back to reality. The touch grips my hand and I look up in surprise to see Tsuki Infront of me, pulling me gently with his hand forward.

I don't say anything and just walk with him, heh. I'm glad my face was hidden because I swear my face was burning up, but what was he doing this for? He never has even touched me before, this was unusual but I will admit I wasn't upset about it.

We admire all the buildings around, the orange and brown leaves, the grass covered in leaves. It was all a beautiful site and it was even better getting to see this with the tall blonde boy pulling me ahead.

He stops in his tracks and turns his head toward me, I look up at him , him and I making eye contact. I give him a confused look, he mumbles under his breath,

"It's nothing..."

He turned back around and we continued walking. Silence filled the air as we walked for a while, but I enjoyed it as long as Tsuki was having fun.

We spotted a bench and we both headed toward it, it was a dark brown colored bench with fancy black handles. We both sit down at the same time still holding each other's hand.

I look over at our hands and I notice his hand is way bigger than mine, basically covering my hand whole. My face feels red at the sight and I look at Tsuki, who is staring at the trees across the street. I admit, it's a gorgeous sight.

I decided since we haven't talked in a while causing it to be a bit awkward I would try to start a conversation.

"So.. Would you like to see if there is anything open? Maybe a cafe! I'm getting a bit hungry haha.."

Slowly he turns to me.


He and I get up,

not letting go of each other's hand.

As we're walking through the city we pass by a few shops, And in the shops we walked around in them which ended up us starting a conversation, we tease each other, the usual... but it was way different than the '' usual ''. Something lit a spark in me as he teased and joked around with me. Since our talk the whole trip was literally silence I'm guessing the ideas of talk came up to both of our minds.

We walk out of the last shop, nothing in our hands except for each others.

Not a few buildings down there was a nice vintage-looking cafe, we walked down by it and as he opened the door the noise of a bell is heard and we walked in.

After the delicious meal and more time spent with the tall blonde, we had walked all the way back, passing the shops, park , and scenery all over again. Time passed by quicker because we actually had something to talk about the whole time, I'm not gonna get into that though...╹ .̮ ╹

As we get to his yard I manage the courage to finally ask what I needed to, I don't know why it's so nerve-racking to ask this simple question..

"Do you think I could spend the night here tonight? ..It's pretty late and I don't want to wake my parents up..."

The truth is my parents are usually up at this time, I don't want to admit it but I really want to spend more time with Tsuki... Wait, do I sound selfish??

"Yea, I'm sure my parents wouldn't mind."


I smile at him.

Tsukishima POV.


Authors note:

Apologies to anyone who likes this but I do not think this will ever be finished. The person I made this with and I are on a break and possibly no longer friends, thank you for reading:) Goodbye 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2022 ⏰

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