Buffets and Busty Yautja

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Was the only word Nova could say, when she entered the Yautja dining room flanked by her new husband, his brother, Kin'varn (who had happily told her his name as the Medic drew blood from her), and his nephew (as she had recently discovered) K'on.

They had spent several hours with the Medic as he had run tests, and scans. The young male had been horrified at the amount of internal scar tissue she carried, and how her body continued to function regardless. They had discovered some pins and screws in her bones, the scans easily highlighting them, but they had decided to leave them there as they weren't causing her discomfort. Her bones were apparently thicker than what the Medic expected as well. Nova had been asked a range of questions, on how quickly she healed, the amount of food she thought it would take to sate her. She received several injections from the Medic. The largest being protein, iron and glucose mixes. Nova knew she was thin, but the Yautja acted like she was going to pass out from hunger and exhaustion at any moment. Apparently she was to quote Kin'varn, 'thinner than a spear sliced down its length'. She had also been asked questions about her reproductive system, which Nova didn't feel embarrassed about answering at all, considering all the Yautja appeared to be fascinated with her answers, that and any modesty she possessed had been experimented out of her by asstards a long time ago. It was actually nice to have a doctor (even if he was an alien) sit and ask her about her body. Rather than knock her out, and cut her open to appease his curiosity.

Refreshing really.

All except Ti'kon looked surprised when she said humans didn't go into heat, but did have periods that they were more fertile, the Medic in particular was interested in this cycle, as female Yautja also had a fertility cycle. Nova went in depth when it came to the human menstrual cycle, and the males, unlike human men, took it all in stride, looking interested even when she spoke of periods. They told her how surprised they were that her body didn't just reabsorb the lining like a Yautja females would. It all went well until she told the Medic that she hadn't had a period for three years, due to stress, and other conditions the asstards put her through, then Ti'kon had stood up and roared, scaring the hell out of her, he even stamped his feet.

Nova didn't know what was wrong until Kin'varn leaned down to whisper to her. "You just told my brother that the Oomans treatment of you meddled with your ability to produce sucklings, as you are his Mate, he sees this as the worst crime imaginable."

Ti'kon paced the room several times before he calmed down enough to be reasoned with. In the end the Medic took two extra vials of blood from her to test her compatibility with Ti'kon, and to formulate a fertility treatment if it turned out she needed one. Nova wasn't quite sure what she felt about that. Aunt flow wasn't the best visitor to have in town, and she couldn't say that she had missed the moody bitch at all, but if it gave her 'Mate' piece of mind, then she might consider going to such lengths.

The Medic had then ushered them out quickly, ordering them to put some food into her, while he looked far too thrilled for Nova's liking to have new DNA to study.

That's why she was standing in the doorway now, mouth hanging open at the sight of hundreds of aliens sitting down to eat. Huge long tables full of them. Nova's eyes honed in on the masses of moving, eating bodies, and couldn't help gasping as she picked out sever huge, tall, buff, really buff, bare chested figures.

"Are they your women?" Nova asked in a squeak, as she saw one female stand next to a male. She was three freaking heads taller than him, and the male wasn't that small either.

Nova looked to Ti'kon who was just starting to speak, only to be cut off by his brother. She noticed that Kin'varn often did things to annoy Ti'kon. It reminded her of human brothers fighting the way they constantly ribbed each other. But at the same time there was an underlying kinship that was unmistakable. The brothers were obviously close. . .but good luck getting them to admit it.

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