Mental 🩸🩸🩸

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      MENTION OF DRUGS⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️

Kool aid man never expected to have to come to this place, it all started when he almost died from ODing at a party a few weeks back but he still has the crave for heroine, the nose bleeds from the cocain he used to snort at his mansion, but all that is gone now after he lost all his money to Gambling he only had enough money to check him into a mental hospital for a week he still remembers the ambulance siren's. " Sir?" a voice called as he slowly came back from the flash back, " What's happening?"  he said forgetting what Dr. Amanda had said " Mr. Kool Aid  Man, I think it's time to talk about what happened at the party and why you still miss the bliss of drugs" she said in a sweet but serious tone of voice " I told you yesterday I don't want to talk about that night!" His voice was becoming elevated " I understand, but it's already Wednesday, I just want to help you" she stated. Kool aid knew she was right he just wasn't ready to talk but he knew there would come a time.

"Fine, I guess I all started when my brother Kool aid jr invited me to a party with lots of celebrities, I knew this would be a good time to start asking people if they would want to be in my commercials, but I only got three people to sign up at the party Papa Smurf, Mr Peanut and Elon musk I decided that it was no hope and I walked into a room filled with smoke and people snorting cocaine and boy did I miss the sweet bliss of it all. After I walked in a person wearing a shirt that said I HEART MILFS was walking over to me.  " Hey man what's up?" The person stated with a trail of smoke coming out of their mouth "Nothing much man I just want the sweet taste of weed again" kool aid laughed along with the other person " You came to the right place man, we have cocaine, weed or shrooms pick your poison🍃🍃" kool aid flashed back to the therapy room " So how much cocaine did you do?" Dr. Amanda said while writing on her notepad, " Um I just did the whole bag they gave me and then I blacked out, I could hear people scream as I dropped to the floor" he said almost about to break into tears. " Okay I think that's enough for today and I just want to tell you, you are very brave Kool aid" Dr. Amanda patted his hand and stood up, so did Kool aid man " Thank you  see you tomorrow he said in a sad tone. 

After he got back into his room a went to his bed and cried, remembering all the good time he had with his family and friends.😭😭😭

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