| Chapter 9 |

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"The police seemed to think I killed her, which is crazy, because I loved her like a thousand drops of blood dripping down a dagger." ― Jarod Kintz


Define :// adrenaline

/ əˈdrɛn(ə)lɪn/ /

•noun - state of excitement

a hormone secreted by the adrenal glands that increases rates of blood circulation, breathing, and carbohydrate metabolism and prepares muscles for exertion.

"performing live really gets your adrenaline going"
Effects of an adrenaline surge:
feeling energised
•make you shaky, weak and sick to your stomach
tunnel vision, you only see what is in front of you and not what is around you.
• a sensation of your mind wandering or floating, making it hard to concentrate.
decreased coordination
• difficulty in thinking clearly


After an excruciating night yesterday due to a rather long meeting with the gang, and once again being moaned at for every thing I've ever done, I made my way up the steps to the big school doors. I lonely followed behind Ashton and Lizzie, due to George not talking to me, again.

"What are you doing tonight?" A familiar voice chimed through my ears, as a hand grabbed my wrist, pulling me back slightly and stopping me from my journey. I moved my head quickly to where the figure was stood, and as I assumed, it was Luke.

He was stood with a few other boys whilst smoking a cigarette. He was dressed in black skinny jeans, a band tee and a black hoodie with leather sleeves. Obviously the whole outfit was matched with his signature black vans.

"Babe" He began as he exhaled a smokey breath and he quickly tugged me a little closer before letting my arm drop back to my side. I simply hummed in reply, taking in his strong scent of nicotine mixed with cologne.


"Tonight?" I questioned back as he let out a little laugh, again a smokey breath escaped his perfect white teeth and slightly plump lips.

"Yes Lottie, tonight? Our date" He replied making it clear what he was referring to.

I began to nod in reply, scanning my brain for anything that was meant to happen tonight but there wasn't, luckily.

"Yes, tonight's good" I agreed earning a smirk from Luke and his friends.

"Great" He said taking the cigarette from his mouth and flicking it to the ground as I sent a smile a turned on my heel. Sudden thoughts of what I should wear, what I should do with my hair, ran through my head before I was brought back to reality.

"Are you not going to wait for me then?" I heard Luke shout after me as I looked over my shoulder to see him saying his goodbyes to his friends before slowly jogging up to me.

"Sorry" I giggled as he placed his right arm over my shoulders.

"Why were you on your own today then Charlotte?" He asked as we reached my locker.

I opened it up getting out my books that I needed, as Luke leant up against the locker next to mine, "My name is not Charlotte" I stated making him role his eyes and shake his head, "Plus George isn't talking to me" I shrugged as I placed my books into my bag.

"Don't worry about him, he's weird" He laughed in reply, making me laugh at his statement as I quickly raised my head to look at his smile, before looking back down to my bag whilst I attempted to make it somewhat organised.

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